New One Shot Book!!

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Heya everyone! 

Its been a week since I finished this book (sad I know) but I did mentioned writing another one shot book with crossover fics this time. I wanted to post last weekend but I ended writing a really long crossover fic for my first one shot so I decided (with the help of my soul sister Tay) that I would split that fic into parts in my crossover book. So I've finished writing the first two parts of that and I'll be posting this after I've posted this message. 

Also I've decided to do this little competition for my crossover book. Everytime I post a crossover, the first person to comment or inbox me what the crossovers were for that one shot, gets a dedication for the next one shot. This excludes the first long fic because I'm dedicating that to Tay and my honourary sis. If the crossover one shot for the day is a prompt given to me, the prompters aren't allowed to guess and that one shot would be dedicated to them so the winner of the previous one shot would get a shoutout. 

Anyways, here's a excerpt of the first one shot (The Beatles/Doctor Who fic):

Saving John and George

January 2015

 The first time I listened to The Beatles was when I was about 10 and heard a cover of Blackbird. I loved it but I never knew it was The Beatles. Then there was a second time when I listened to them singing I Saw Her Standing There through a friend and I was fully aware of who they were. 

I have no idea why I held out for 6 years before I started listening to them properly and immersing myself in their history. At this point, I was fully immersed in the fandom. I was sitting out on the patio staring aimlessly at the view when Dad came home from work. 

It was only ever Dad and I. As far as I was concerned, my Mother was never in the picture. I have no idea what Dad had meant by that; was she dead? Did she leave us when I was a baby?

He doesn't like to talk about her so I don't ask. That's the perk of just being the two of us really; we've hot a really strong bond. We tell each other everything. So obviously when I was zoning out on the patio, having a mini existential crisis, I had to tell him what was wrong. 

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" That's what I loved about Dad. The moment he came in, saw me on the patio, knowing something was wrong he just flopped beside me without even changing out of work clothes. I sighed deeply and rested my head on his shoulder.

"This is going to sound extremely stupid but I'm upset that I'll never be able to see The Beatles live. I hate being born in an entirely different generation." I huff. Dad doesn't laugh or give a witty comment to cheer me up like he usually would.

Instead, he gets a faraway look in his eyes. I shake him slightly to get him out of his daze. 

“Dad, is everything alright?” He snaps out of his daze and gives me a reassuring look. 

“I’m fine, will you help me set up dinner and we’ll discuss this over dinner.” I nod obediently and let Dad get out of his work clothes. I set up the table and get ready the pizza I baked for dinner. I sit down and blast some of The Beatles’ records, daydreaming about possible fan-fiction ideas. Finally Dad comes down and I cut us pieces of the pizza.

“So how was work, Dad?” Dad was a history teacher and was brilliant at it, he seemed to know more about history more than historians do.

“It was alright, the students still giving your old man the same old trouble.” Usually he would tell me a funny story about the asshats giving him trouble but today Dad seemed more quiet than usual. I stare at him with a questioning look.

“Dad are you sure everything is alright?” I ask with an edgy tone, usually when I use this tone on Dad, it makes him open up a little bit more. He gives a deep sigh before finally looking at me. 

“It’s about time I told you.” I furrow my eyebrows.

“Told me what?” I was so confused. We finished the piece we were eating and Dad gestured for him to follow him. I couldn’t part with my precious pizza so I got myself a slice before following Dad. He led us to the garage and now I was just plain lost. The only vehicles garage contained was Dad’s old Cadillac and the Impala he won’t allow me to drive until I turn 21. We head in and he presses a weird button with circular patterns that would look cool as tattoos. How come I’ve never seen that button before?

Then this is the thing that astounds me that most. Our entire garage flips over to reveal a really old and crusty blue police telephone box.

“Dad, what the hell is this? Where’s my precious Impala?” Dad looked almost disappointed.

“Are you sure you don’t recognize it?” I take a good hard look at the police box. I walk around it, examining it. I finally decide to take a look inside. Walking in, I get the biggest shock of my life.

“HOLY SNAP! DAD, IT’S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!” That seems to trigger something in my mind and I’m swept away in a flurry of flashes in my head. I see the blue box, Dad, a woman in her late 20s who looks like me, outer space, and different dimensions which all seem so surreal. When I’m brought back to reality, I look at my Dad. I felt a mixture of being upset and excited.

On one hand, I’m upset he waited 16 years to tell me this and on the other, Oh My God, my dad is The Doctor. Leaving Dad at the entrance, I run through the TARDIS (as my stolen memories help me realize). It was so big and freeing, and for once I feel exhilarated. Excited.

Dad makes life as fun as possible but sometimes I just feel like I’m no more than just a normal person who is never going to make a difference. Whenever I tell Dad how I feel like that, he always repeats the same thing to me.

“There is not one person I have met that wasn’t important. And you’re one of the most important. Never forget that." 

Soon enough that became my favourite quote of all time. But now, I couldn’t believe it. I was the offspring of a Time Lord and not just any Time Lord, the Time Lord.

"Hey Dad, can I take the TARDIS out for a spin in the 1960s?" I ask in the meekest tone I could muster. He responds with a pointed look.

"Skylar, its the TARDIS, not your bloody Impala...although..." he rubs his chins, contemplating something. I tap my feet impatiently,


So yeah head over the crossover book (The cover is not hard to miss, its Baymax in Elsa's cape) to find out what happens next. Just to clarify, I don't think I'm going to do inserts for this book so the prompts will have the prompters' name in and my own one shots will either include me in the fic or my friends. Feel free to leave questions in the comments or my inbox!

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