Accepting It

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With tears in my eyes, I watched a blurry Impala disappear down the road. I hated myself for being vunerable and letting a boy have this effect on me, because it goes against everything I stand for. Slowly and reluctantly, I pick myself up and take the pity party to my room where I could be alone. I just curl up on my bed and cried my heart out until I fell asleep.


When I woke up the next morning, I didn't expect two strange figures by my bed side. As a reflex, I immediately whipped out my gun and pointed it at them.

"Woah! [Y/N], its just us!" Sam's voice put me at ease as I lowered the gun. I wasn't wearing my back up glasses or my contacts, I could barely see him or the guy beside him. I heard fingers snapping before my back ups popped on my face.

"Much better, sweet cheeks? And who the hell sleeps with a gun?!" I turned to see Gabriel; typical that he's here. He was one of the closest friends I had other than the Winchesters. I took one of my spare pillows and threw it at him.

"Shut up, Gabe. We all sleep with weapons."

"That's not normal."

"As opposed to what? Being a sex maniac who enjoys candy too much?" I retroted smartly.

"Love you too, sugar." he said seductively as he threw the pillow back at me. I caught it just in time and stood up to head to the bathroom.

"Now if you'll excuse me while I go freshen up and get of these horrid back ups. When I get back, I want to know why you guys were Edward Cullening me." I went into the bathroom; took a quick shower and popped on my contacts. When I came out, Sam and Gabe hadn't moved an inch. I plopped on my bed and looked at them, waiting for my explanation.

"Dean and Jo got together and Dean told me you helped him. Are you going to be okay?" Sam and Gabriel were the only ones who knew about my massive crush on Dean. Sam pulled out a book I've been dying to get for a while now and Gabe snapped his fingers, and a box of chocolates landed on my bed.

"Guys, I'm fine. Really." I was half in denial and I didn't want the asshats to worry about me so I forced the smile as I took the presents from them and started stuffing my face with chocolate.

"[Y/N], has anyone ever told you, you're a horrible liar?" Gabe asked as he jumped onto my bed. I pushed him off as I retorted,

"Shut up, Gabe." I then shifted over to make space for Sam on the bed. Just as Sam sat on the bed, Gabe climbed back up and gave me a noogie. I punched him right in the nose after he let me go. His hands immediately flew to his nose.

"Just great, [Y/N]! Now I'm gonna look like Voldemort!" he wailed in pain like a baby.

"Don't be a drama queen, Gabe."

"You're being melodramatic, Gabriel." Sam and I told him dryily at the same time. We high-fived just to rub it in Gabe's face a little bit more.

"I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling attacked right now. Seriously; I brought your favourite movies to cheer you up."

I perked up at the mention of movies.

"Gabriel, what did you bring me?" He swished his hands to reveal all my favourite Sci-Fi, Action and a huge collection of book adaptation films. I reached out to grab them but that asshat stood up and held them above his head. Gabe maybe short amongst guys but he easily towered over me.

"Come on, Gabe! Don't be a dickwad!"

"You broke my nose!"

"And you can fix it with a snap of your fingers. NOW GIVE ME THE DVDS!" I yelled at him as I tackled him to the ground just as Dean entered the room.

"Sammy? [Y/N]? What the- ? Is that Gabriel?" He looked so cute when he was confused. I raise my hand and gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm good! Oh, hey Jo." Typically Jo was here. I almost forgot that they got together.

"[Y/N]! Just the person I wanted to see!" She came over to hug me when Gabe stood up. He looked at her and let out a low whistle,

"Awkward..." I elbow him so hard, he falls back onto the floor. Serves him right.

"This is angel abuse, [Y/N]!"

"I highly doubt that's a thing, Gabe." Rolling my eyes I reluctantly help him up. Sam who was watching idlily from my bed, stood up and whispered something in Dean's ear. He then called Gabe over and left with Jo and Gabe, leaving me alone with Dean.

I took some more of chocolate and stuffed them in my face as Dean and I crashed on my bed.

"I'm guessing he told you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't jumped to Jo as fast."

"I knew there was no point. You like her. Not me."

"I may not like you like that but someone else does." I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah right. I'm starting to think that my book characters are the only ones who actually love me back."

"Don't be stupid, [Y/N]. Go out there. See who it is."

Now I was starting to get confused. Was Dean talking about Sam or Gabriel? Sam's nice and all but he was more like an older brother. Gabe was too laidback to take a relationship seriously and he was too much like me.

We don't get to choose who we fall in love with. We fall in love with the wrong people all the time but one day we are all going to meet the one person who will make you understand why it never worked with anyone else.

Dean took my hand and we walked out together. The moment I connected eyes with him, I knew who Dean was talking about.

HERE'S THE PART TWO TO WALKING AWAY THAT YALL SO DESPERATELY WANTED! :D It took me a solid week to get this oneshot right. I didn't want to disappointed. But I know yall are going to come after me demanding who it is in the end. Gabe or Sam? Thats all up to yall. That last bit was a piece of advice I received from someone (shoutout to gleefinn) from Tumblr after they had read Walking Away.

Also another thing! We reached 10.7K reads on this! Bloody brilliant!

Ohohoh! Has anyone else watched The Maze Runner? I loved it; it was filmed just the way I imagined it when I first read the book when I was 10. God I need to marrt Thomas Brodie Sangster;

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