Chapter 7: Trouble

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As we walked, Two Bit left, leaving only me, Pony, and Johnny. We walked through the park, trying to quickly get home.

"Damn, it's cold out here, Pony," Johnny muttered.

"You ain't a woofin," Pony replied, rubbing his arms. I heard a noise from behind us, and noticed the Mustang from earlier following us.

"Pony..look behind us," I whispered. He looked and pulled me over behind a large tree.

"Ash, we're gonna get jumped. There's only 4 of em, so Johnny and I should be able to take em. You just sit here and wait," he said, pushing me against the tree. He started to walk away, but I grabbed his shoulder and said,

"Pony wait! Come here.." I pulled him towards me and stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him. It was a short kiss, but warmth flooded my body. I pulled away and said,

"That was for good luck." Pony licked his lips and winked at me, making me blush, then he ran back over by Johnny. I heard car doors slam as the Socs piled out of the car. They yelled at Pony and Johnny, and then Bob said,

"David, teach this kid a lesson." I heard Pony shout, and I peeked around the tree, seeing three of the Socs carrying a thrashing Pony to the fountain.

"No.." I whispered, covering my mouth with my hand. I had to help.

"HEY IDIOTS! GET OFF HIM!" I yelled, as I darted out from behind the tree. One of the Socs saw me running and punched Johnny hard in the jaw. I ran past Johnny, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. They'd just pushed Pony's head under the water when I jumped on the Soc, Bob.

"What the hell?!" he yelled as I punched his head and back. He easily threw me down off of him. He yanked Pony up, then pushed him down again.

"Stop, you fuckin bastard! You're going to kill him!" I screamed, trying to push my way to Pony. Bob only laughed and pushed me out of the way. Next thing I knew, Johnny was in front of Bob, and his switch was in Bob's stomach. The other Socs, Randy and David, looked in shock at Bob and dropped Pony into the fountain. They ran to the car and sped away. I turned back to the fountain, and hauled Pony out. I set him down, laying him on the cold ground. I looked over at Johnny, and he was sitting against the fountain, shaking, and looking at Bob. Bob was doubled over, blood oozing out of his stomach. He was dead. Johnny had killed him.

"I'm gonna faint.." I said, knelt down, and tried to stay calm. I took shaky breaths. What just happened? Pony started coughing up water, looked at Bob, then vomited. He wiped his mouth and turned to me.

" alright?" Pony asked hoarsely. I nodded, tears in my eyes.

"I thought they were gonna drown you," I said, throwing my arms around him.

"Guys..we have to get outta here," Johnny whispered as he stood up. Pony and I both stood up, but Pony looked at me and shook his head.

"There's no way you're coming with us Ash. Wherever we go, we will be back," he said, looking at me sadly. More tears pooled, and I tried to blink them back.

"I understand..." I said, hugging him for the last time until God knows when.

"I'm sorry Ash, I'm gonna miss you so much.." he said softly. I looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry Pony, I'll miss you too.." I said, trailing off as the tears spilled over. I stretched up on my toes again to kiss him, but this time he swept me off my feet and kissed me with so much passion.

"I love you Ash," he murmured as we kissed.

"I love you too Pony," I said back, as we parted. Johnny gave a cough, and I went a bit red.

"Here's what I need you to do Ash; go home, and don't tell anyone. We know who we need to go to. Johnny and I will be back as soon as we can," Pony said seriously. I nodded, and started to walk away, but he caught my hand and pulled me back for another kiss.

"Bye Ash."

"Bye Pony."

*back at home*
I was able to sneak into the house without anyone waking up. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into the bed Pony and I shared, when I heard a deep laugh and words that haunted my dreams.

"With Ponyboy gone, you're mine now."


A/N: Thank you all for reading, I've gotten over 100 views! I know it's not much, but let's keep it going! Again, feel free to vote and comment any ideas you have for this story. Have a merry Christmas everyone!

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