Chapter 11: Mistake

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I woke up with a pounding headache, and found I was laying in Pony's bed, with him laying next to me. I pushed him and he groaned.

"C'mon an wake up, lazy bum," I said, laying over him. He pushed me off of him, laughing.

"Okay, whaddya want?" he asked. I noticed he had a large bruise on his left cheek.

"What happened with Dally?" I asked, running my fingers along the bruise.

"Well, first he hit you pretty damn hard in the head, and you were out cold. Then I screamed at him, and I might've punched him a couple of times. I picked you up and ran home after he gave me this bruise, and couple others," he said, tapping the one on his face.

"Pony, you shouldn't have done that. You should've just gotten me outta there," I said, noticing a massive bruise on his arm.

"I know baby, but I was afraid he was gonna hurt you again, and I am not gonna let that happen," he said, and pulled me in for a hug. I kissed the bruise on his cheek, and he ruffled my hair, which made me wince.

"Ouch.." I said, rubbing my head softly.

"Sorry, are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine Pony, it's just a bruise," I said, flicking his cheek. He gave me a dirty look, and rubbed his cheek. I stuck my tongue out at him, but he used that to his advantage and kissed me. He pulled me close and ran his hands through my hair, as I did the same.

"Alright both of you. Save it for later and come eat some lunch," Darry said from the doorway, jolting us apart. I felt my cheeks go red and saw Pony's ears go red too. I gave him a swift kiss on his bruised cheek, and jumped out of bed. I walked downstairs and smelled something baking.

"What's for lunch?" I asked, looking around. Almost none of the gang was here, except for Two Bit and Johnny.

"Something other than cake," Darry said, laughing when he saw the look on Two Bit's face.

"You didn't..." Two Bit said, running to look in the oven, "you liar." He gave Darry an evil glare. I was about to sit down, when I felt arms snake around waist and pull me back.

"Damn Pony, I haven't seen you this attached to something since you read Gone With the Wind," Johnny said chuckling. I could feel Pony go red, and I laughed along with Johnny.

"Johnny's right, you two are pretty serious, aren't ya?" Darry asked, looking at me.

"I guess so," I said, trying to shrug, but Pony kinda prevented me from doing that.

"Isn't your birthday comin up soon Ash?" Two Bit asked.

"Yeah, actually. I'm gonna finally be 16," I said, turning around to look at Pony.

"I guess I'm one step ahead of ya then, I turned 16 a month or two ago," Pony said. I just rolled my eyes at him. I pulled away and sat down at the table, then the oven beeped.

"CAKE!" Two Bit yelled, and sped to his seat.

"Glory Two Bit, keep it down," Johnny said, holding his ears.

"Sorry kid," Two mumbled as he started to shovel cake into his mouth. After we all finished eating, I went back upstairs to put on my clothes for the day. Darry must've fixed up the door because now I had one to close and lock. I was about to shut the door, and almost did, right on Pony.

"Sorry mister, no lookin today," shoving him out, laughing. I grabbed a worn purple shirt from one of my bags and paired it with some white jean shorts. I tied a white bandana in my hair to keep it back, and swept on a bit of mascara. To top it off, I slipped on my converse, and opened the door to see Pony sitting there.

"Did you really have to wait here?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, yes I did," he said, jumping to his feet. I rolled my eyes and started to walk down the stairs, and Pony whispered,

"I only waited because I wanted to see how smokin you'd look today, and you look pretty damn good." I walked down a little faster, seeing what he'd do. He chased me down the stairs and out of the house.

"We're going for a walk Darry!" I called back to the house.

"Be back by 8 you two!" he called back. Pony was still chasing me and he was gaining too. He caught up with me and picked me up, bridal style.

"I gotcha now," he said, and leaned down to kiss me. But I had other plans. I wriggled out of his grasp and started to run again.

"Playing hard to get huh? We'll see about that," he said, chuckling as he ran behind me. We ran all over town, and by the time we started walking home, it was growing dark. As we walked along, Pony draped his arm across my shoulders, and leaned into him. We were about to kiss when a car rolled up to us slowly.

"Hey greaser! Can we have a turn with the broad?" a Soc said from the passenger seat.

"Go find another girl to fuck with, you bastards," Pony said, giving them all a dirty look. I reached into my back pockets, feeling for my switchblade. Dammit, I must've left it at the house!

"Kid, you've sure made a mistake talkin to us like that," the Soc in the drivers seat said, getting out.

"Ash, you gotta run, I'll try and hold em off, but you gotta run," Pony whispered to me.

"I'm not leaving you, there's only 4 of them, we can take em," I whispered back, shaking a bit. The other 3 climbed out too, grinning menacingly. The biggest one made a grab for me, which I luckily dodged, and I kicked him in the head. He groaned, and I kicked him again, just to keep him down. I saw Pony holding his own against the driver, while the other two came at me. One of them grabbed me by my hair, and the other kicked out my feet, making me fall to the ground. I kicked up one of my feet, right into one of the guys' "area." The other one kicked me in the side, knocking the wind out of me.

"Get the hell off her!" I heard Pony yell, as he hit the driver one last time, and knocked the other guy upside the head. He pulled me up and we ran for the house, not looking back to see if the car was following us.
Thankfully, it wasn't.

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