Chapter 12: Surprise!

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Pony and I burst into the house, hoping we'd made it back in time. No such luck, the clock read 8:37 when we walked in.

"Where've you two been?!" Darry shouted.

"We were walking home and had to beat up some Socs, Dar," I said, not wanting to get yelled at.

"Don't let it happen again, are y'all okay?" Darry said, his voice softening a bit.

"Yeah, we're fine, lets go get ready for bed Ash," Pony said, pulling me along. My side still really hurt from being kicked, but I didn't think I had a broken rib or anything. When we got to Pony's room, I sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes. Boy, was I tired.

"Ash, are you sure you're okay?" Pony asked, sitting down next to me and running his hand along my side.

"Not really, my side is killin me," I said, wincing as I pulled up my shirt to show him, I was careful not to pull it up too far and show my bra. There was a huge bruise on my side going from right under my boobs down to my hip. Pony ran his fingers along it, which sent shivers throughout my body.

"Damn, I ain't ever seen one this big before," he said quietly, still touching it gently.

"I know you ain't seen boobs before Pony, but trust me, there are girls out there with bigger ones than me," I said, pulling my shirt down and smirking at him. He went red and mumbled,

"That's not what I meant.."

"I know, I know. I'm just teasin you," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. He turned to face me and kissed my forehead. I yawned and Pony chuckled.

"Looks like someone's tired," he said.

"Yeah, yeah. Leave me alone so I can sleep alright?" I said laying down. He laid back too, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

"Goodnight Pony," I whispered, kissing him.

"Goodnight Ash," he whispered back as the kiss broke. I lay my head on his chest and quickly fell asleep.


It must've been around 12 or 1 in the morning, when I woke up gasping for breath. I had a strange, but familiar feeling in my stomach. I sat up, hoping that would help it go away. I felt Pony get up and start rubbing my back.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked, clearly concerned.

"Nothing, it's just my anxiety firing up," I replied sleepily.

"Oh, I remember you used to get those panic attacks all the time," he said, pulling me over so I was laying on him.

"Yeah, I haven't had any signs of anxiety since I was 11. I don't see why it would come back now," I said, closing my eyes. Dammit anxiety, now I won't sleep the rest of the night.

"C'mere Ash," Pony said, pulling me in close and kissing the top of my head, "it's gonna be all right. Just try and get some sleep." And I did just that, all cuddled in Pony's arms.

I woke up to an empty house. Literally no one was here.

"Pony? Soda? Darry? Where is everyone?" I called, looking around the house for them. I saw a piece of paper on the table, so I picked it up and read it.

Hey Ashley! Happy birthday! Get dressed real nice today, we're having Two Bit pick you up around 11. Be ready.
-Sodapop Curtis

I looked at the clock. Crap, it was already 10:35?! I ran back up to my room and dug around in my bags until I found the perfect thing to wear. It was the dress I'd gotten from my mom last year, before she left. It stopped just above my knees, and ruffled out at my hips. It was a darker shade of purple on top, and the ruffles were lighter than that. I curled my hair, then I clipped some of it up. I put on eyeliner and mascara, then fished around in my bag for my lipstick. I'd just slipped on my converse when I heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I shouted, and raced down the stairs. I saw Two Bit waiting outside, his car running and ready to go.

"Your chariot m'lady," he said, holding the door open for me. I laughed and climbed into his car. He got in and off we were.

"So where are we goin Two?" I asked, looking out the window.

"Can't tell ya, boss's orders," he replied. We kept driving until we came to the park where we stopped. Two Bit pointed to the tree in the middle of the park and said,

"They're waitin for ya up there." I got out of the car and started walking towards the tree. As I got closer, I saw a pair of shoes that were probably supposed to be hidden.

"SURPRISE!" The gang yelled as they all jumped out from behind different trees.

"Thanks everyone! But where's Pony?" I asked, looking around.

"He's right there, dummy," Soda said, pointing to him. My eyes went wide when I saw Pony in tux, and holding a bouquet of flowers at that.

"Happy birthday baby," he said, handing me the flowers.

"Guys, I can't do this, you know I'm the emotional type about this kinda stuff," I said, fanning my eyes so I wouldn't cry and ruin my makeup.

"That's exactly why we did it!" Soda said, laughing.

"Here's your present," Pony said, holding out a small box to me. I opened it and saw a small, silver promise ring inside. Engraved on it was "Forever" and I looked to Pony's hand, and he had one on that said "and Always."

"It's beautiful Pony, thank you so much!" I said, throwing my arms around him.

"Glad you like it," he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"You guys didn't have to do this for me, my birthday's so close to Christmas anyways," I said as I pulled away from Pony.

"We know, but Pony here insisted on making this happen," Soda said, looking at Pony.

"Aww, thanks Pony," I said, and he leaned down to kiss me.

"You're welcome baby. I love you," he said before he kissed me.

"I love you too, forever and always," I said, then we kissed. The gang erupted into cheers and whistles.

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