Chapter 18: Finally

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When all the commotion had died down, Pony and I went out for a walk. I couldn't stop grinning and neither could he.

"I still can't believe we're gonna get married," I said, spinning the ring around om my finger.

"Neither can I, but it's most definitely the right choice," he said, pulling me in for a kiss. We continued on our walk, trying to plan out some of the wedding details; when we wanted it to be, theme, guests, etc. We settled on only one thing, who the maid of honor and the best man would be.

"Sara is most definitely gonna be my maid of honor," I said, smiling at the thought of telling her.

"I think Johnny's gonna be the best man, he's been my best friend for the longest time," Pony said as we walked towards the house. We got inside and Pony went over and told Johnny, who looked overjoyed.

"Me? Really?" he said in disbelief.

"Yeah man, really," Pony said, clapping him on the back. I dialed up Sara's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Sara, you'll never guess what I'm about to tell you," I said.

"Are you pregnant?!" she shrieked into the phone, making me here it away from my ear.

"No stupid! Pony and I are getting married!" I excitedly said back. Dead silence on the other end.


"Oh, what? Sorry, are you sure you're ready for this Ashley? You and Pony are only 16 after all.." she trailed.

"Think what you want, I was actually calling to ask if you wanted to be the maid of honor, but knowing your view on it now, I change my mind," I said angrily and hung up. Pony looked at me, giving me a look asking what happened. I just shook my head and ran up to my room. I heard Pony follow me, but I locked the door first. I fell down face first onto the bed and started bawling.

"Ashley? Ash! Lemme in!" Pony yelled, pounding on the door. I ignored him, continuing my crying. I was still so excited about being engaged to Pony, but I was devastated by the fact that Sara didn't want to support us. I figured the best thing right now would be to talk to Pony. I got up and slowly unlocked and opened the door. He looked at me with sad eyes, and pulled me into his arms. More tears slipped out of my eyes, and when I pulled away, I'd left a wet stain on his chest.

"What happened baby?" he asked quietly.

"S-sara, she's d-disappointed that we're getting m-married at 16," I said, sniffling.

"Babe that doesn't matter, I could get some of the guys to wear dresses and be your bridesmaids," he said, rubbing my shoulder. I laughed at the thought of the guys in dresses.

"Y'know what? You're right, I can just have one of the guys be my "maid" of honor," I said, brightening a bit. Pony laughed and moved to kiss my cheek, but I moved my face so his lips ended up on mine. He smirked at me and said,

"Save it for after the wedding, why dontcha?" I smiled and pushed my lips against his again, feeling him smile into the kiss.


*7 months later*

I was hurrying around the dressing room with my aunt Margaret, Steve's mom, helping me with the finishing touches.

"Well Ashley? Are you ready to marry Ponyboy?" she asked me, straightening my dress and fixing my hair. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves and nodded. She handed me the bouquet and I made sure I had my vows tucked inside of it. My uncle Joe was the one walking me down the aisle, Steve's parents had helped a lot with the wedding. I insisted on paying them back, but they declined telling me I was like the daughter they never had. I heard the organ start and I put my hand on Joe's arm. I took another deep breath as we started walking down the aisle. I skimmed the people present, and looked at the gang, all done up. Half of them stood where I would stand, and the other stood where Pony would. My eyes landed on Pony, who was standing next to the priest, his jaw hanging open. I grinned, knowing I had made the right choice.

*Pony's POV*

I stood up at the alter, nearly sweating my suit off. I tugged at my collar, and smoothed back my hair.

"You okay little brother? Not getting cold feet are ya?" Soda came up to me and said, putting me in a headlock.

"No Soda, just nervous. I still can't believe I'm marryin the girl of my dreams," I said, slipping out of his grasp. I saw Margaret walk in and sit by Steve's grandparents, and I knew Ashley must be coming. Johnny, Soda, and Two Bit came and stood in a line by me, and Steve and Darry stood where Ashley soon would. The organ started playing and I looked to the back of the church. And I saw her. She was wearing a beautiful dress, an untraditional purple color. She had her hair done up in an intricate way, little wisps falling over her ears and face. She was nearly glowing, I felt my jaw drop. She grinned at me, and my nerves vanished. I was marrying her, the girl of my dreams. She made her way up and the priest cleared his throat and started the ceremony. When we got to part where we said our vows, I bent down and pulled mine out of my shoe, making Ashley giggle.

"Ashley, when I first met you 10 years ago, I liked you instantly. When Soda and I got home that day, I told him how much I wanted to be friends with you, and Darry teased me about having a crush. Over the years, I tried to ignore the weight on my heart when I saw you, not wanting to admit I liked you. But when you finally came back after those 3 years, I knew I couldn't hide it from you anymore. I love you." I saw tears prick the corners of her eyes and she pulled her vows out of her bouquet, then she set the bouquet aside.

"Ponyboy Curtis. Horsey. Just plain Pony. You have so many nicknames, but my favorite would have to be boyfriend. And now its going to be husband. When I came back just over a year ago, and I saw you for the first time in 3 years, I felt something I never felt before. When you asked me to be your girl, my heart nearly exploded. When you got beat up by the Socs at the rumble, I thought I'd never see you again, or worse, you wouldn't remember me or what we've done. I love you too much to let you go." I felt tears prick my own eyes and we smiled, teary eyed at each other. We grabbed each others hands.

"Do you, Ponyboy Curtis, do you take Ashley Randle to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked me.

"I do," I said confidently.

"And do you, Ashley Randle, take Ponyboy Curtis to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked Ashley.

"Of course I do," she responded.

"By the power invested on me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Ashley put her arms around my neck and put mine around her waisted. Our lips met and I dipped her backwards. We held it for a long time, as all the guests clapped and cheered. We broke apart and clasped hands again.

"I'll love you forever," I started.

"And I'll love you always," Ashley finished. We kissed again and went out to talk to all our friends, now as newlyweds.

A/N: 600 reads! Thanks everyone! I'm debating on writing another chapter, maybe set a couple years ahead, but I may save that for a sequel. I'm going to start doing imagines, so if you'd like one, just comment your:
•which greaser
•small physical description of yourself
•what kind of imagine: sad/happy/sweet/mad/etc.

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