Chapter 3: Belonging

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As we went inside for supper, Dally stuck awful close to me, and it was freakin me out. I walked over to Pony, and asked,

"Pony? Will ya sit next to me? I have a feelin that Dally's gonna try and pull something on me."

"Of course, anything for little Ley," he said, calling me by childhood nickname.

"Thanks Horsey," I said back, smirking, knowing he hated that name. I sat near the end of the table, Johnny on one side of me and Pony on the other.

"Hey kid, mind takin that seat on the end?" Dally asked Johnny.

"Urm, sorry Dal, I'm just fine here," Johnny said, looking at me. Pony must've told him what was going on.

"Whatever," Dally said, walking to sit on the couch. As he walked by, he put his hand in my hair and ran his fingers across my neck. I shivered and Pony gave me a worried look. "It's fine," I mouthed to him, and he gave me a small nod in return. We all dug into the delicious meal; chicken, gravy, peas, carrots, and of course, chocolate cake.

"Mmm, Darry this is amazing," I said through a mouthful of food.

"Thanks Ash, glad you like it." he replied.

"Glory Ash, at first glance, I'd think you were boy judgin by your manners," Pony said, mimicking the way I was talking with my mouth full.

"You're just jealous I'm a better boy than you," I said, poking him and sticking my tongue out at him. He acted offended and gently hit my arm. I looked the table over, and when my eyes rested on Dally, I saw him clenching his fist around his fork. I quickly looked away.

"Alright you hooligans, who's going to stay and help me clean up?" Darry asked.

"I will, I guess. I'm still waiting for Steve to bring most of my stuff," I said, pushing my chair out.

"I will too," Johnny said, standing up. He must know what's going on with Dally, even if he doesn't, he such a sweetheart. He's just like a brother, heck, the whole gang is. Besides Dally anyways. Johnny and I went around collecting the plates and forks while Darry started running water to wash them.

"I'll wash, you dry?" Johnny asked, grabbing the rag.

"Sure," I agreed, and grabbed the drying towel. Everyone slowly cleared out, and Soda and Pony went to their room, Dally being the last to leave.

"Y'know broad? You can't resist me forever, I'll get you someday," he said, grabbing my shoulder as he walked out. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it'd pound out of my chest.

"E-excuse me Johnny," I said as I ran up the stairs to Pony and Soda, the only people I'd trusted my deepest secrets with. By the time I made it to their room, I was crying.

"Ashley? What's wrong?" Soda said, sticking his head out the door.

"D-dally, he's s-scaring me. He keeps saying h-he's gonna g-get with me," I stuttered, walking into their room and flopping on the bed next to Pony. I tried to control my breathing, taking slow hiccupy breaths.

"He what?!" Pony yelled, flames igniting in his eyes.

"Pony, I've never been this scared before. In New York, guys like Dally would hit on me all the time, but never said what Dally did." I said, blinking tears out of my eyes.

*Ponyboy's POV*
When Ash came into my room crying, I knew something was up with Dally.

"...saying h-he's gonna g-get with me." I heard her say, as she walked into my room and sat next to me.

"He said what?! I'll kill him!" I yelled out of hatred. I knew I could never kill Dallas Winston, but he sure could hurt Ash.

"Pony, I've never been this scared before. In New York, guys like Dally would hit on me all the time, but never said what Dally did," she said, looking at me with tear-filled eyes. Glory, she was beautiful. I pulled her into a hug.

"It'll be alright Ley, it'll be alright," I said, patting and rubbing her back. She hugged me back, burying her face into my shoulder and cried some more.

"Yo Soda! Help me finish these dishes!" Johnny called from the kitchen. Soda left the room and went to help Johnny.
Leaving me and Ashley alone.

"If you feel safer, you can sleep here with me tonight," I offered, secretly praying she'd say yes.

"I definitely feel safer around you Pony, thank you so much," she said, squeezing me harder, then let go. I gave her a confused look,

"Thanks for what?" I asked.

"For...understanding. No one ever has before, you're the best," she said, smiling shyly at me. I smiled back.

The door slammed and Steve came up the stairs with two duffel bags filled with Ashley's stuff.

"Thanks Steve!" she said, grabbing the bags and running off to her room. Steve gave me a look.

"What?" I asked, confused again.

"You and Ash?" he asked, smirking. I went a couple shades of pink.

"No, but..I like her. A lot." I muttered, not looking Steve in the eye.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Steve said, slugging me on the shoulder.

"You can't tell nobody, ya hear?" I said, staring at my feet, which had become suddenly interesting.

"Yeah, yeah. You should go for it though. Make her your girl," he said, then walked out to find Soda and Johnny.

*Ashley's POV*
I just melted into Pony's arms. He's really the best, I can be myself around him, nothing to hide. I'd just told him he's different than all the other guys, when Steve came in with my stuff.

"Thanks Stevie!" I shouted, and grabbed the bags from him and rushed to my room. I quickly went through them, sorting clothes from toiletries. I slipped into my pajamas, an old white t-shirt and black shorts. I yawned, walking back to Pony's room.

"Tired?" I asked him, climbing into bed.

"Exhausted," he replied with a yawn. He pulled the blankets over us, and kissed the top of my head.

"Night Ash," he said.

"Night Pony," I replied, feeling like I finally belonged.

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