Ch. 29: water is fucking necessity

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An hour or two had passed, and Elaine was pretty sure she had never been so sore and tired. Her body was telling her to fall asleep, but she couldn't.

She didn't know what would happen to her in her sleep, or if she would ever be able to wake up again.

Every second of alone time she got the past hour she thought about Harry and everyone else in the stories who had been tortured. She didn't know how they had all handled it and were still okay to this day. She really didn't.

Her tough act had stopped by the third round of crucio, Elaine finally breaking down into sobs and pleading for it to stop. She didn't think she had ever felt more pathetic in her life, but the pain was too much.

They left after a while, as Elaine didn't give up much information. Now, as the hour mark passed, she was thinking about how she would get out of here.

How would they find her? How was George, and her family, right now? Were they okay? Were they looking for her? Was her George blaming himself? He probably was...

But why hadn't anyone come? Why had no one come yet? Magic and muggles, the law so strict, and yet no one had come?

Her mind went to all the times her family had used magic around her. All of the times they had shown her stuff, fixed things, wrapped presents... no one came then, either.

Her eyes widened as she remembered her meeting with MACUSA, and how they knew her mother. They knew who she was. Why would people so high up in the wizarding world know who her mother was?

"No fucking way..." Elaine trailed off, shaking her head. Her voice was raw, her throat sandpaper, but she was too overwhelmed to think about that. She wasn't thinking clearly. She was obviously hysterical.

But there was only one logical explanation. It wasn't even a logical explanation. It was not logical. There was no way. No.

The door opened and Elaine looked up, seething at the woman in blue.

"Why are you making that face? I should've killed you by now, and I haven't. Be grateful, little Elaine." The woman clicked her tongue and shut the door behind her, leaving the two alone.

"I'd be grateful if you'd get me some water," Elaine said, hopeful.

The woman laughed, and it reminded her so much of what she had imagined Bellatrix to sound like, she decided to call her Bella.

"That was funny, you're funny," Bella said, shaking her head.

"How's that funny? Water is a fucking necessity," Elaine told her, glaring.

"If only you would use all that talking you're doing to answer our questions," Bella sighed, playing with her wand. "How about we play a game? I ask a question, and if you answer sufficiently, you get water. If you answer and I'm not satisfied, I get to spell my name on your pretty little face with a knife."

"That was violent," Elaine said, her stomach jolting at the thought of a knife anywhere near her.

"Excellent! First question: do Harry Potter and your blood traitor friends have wards and spells around their houses we should know about?"

The question was stupid, but Elaine was conflicted nonetheless. The obvious answer was yes, but she didn't know if they were everywhere, not just the Burrow.

"Um, I think so..."

"You better know so, or I'll have to start sharpening my blade."

Elaine gulped, her fists clenched to keep from panicking too much outwardly.

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