Ch 1: getting hit by a bus

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Please note: the movies have never been made in this timeline, however the actors from said movies each play their own character in the story, if you follow that. The time is after the final battle at Hogwarts, and almost everything in the books was, in fact, real. An unknown witch or wizard has published the books, and the wizarding world, or at least a majority of it, has no clue. If the timeline seems off, such as the books being out within a year of the final battle, just brush it off and keep reading, love.


Elaine Ashryver smiled softly as she left her workplace: Freddie's Café. She quite enjoyed working there, but leaving after a double was a small blessing she relished. Today had been quite slow, which meant for a large majority of the day Elaine was staring at her phone, reading, or using snapchat.

She made her way down the streets of London, feeling out of place and at home at the same time. Her months left in Europe were limited, but she had already been here for almost a year. She mostly tried not to think about having to go back home to Minnesota. It was home but... this felt better. London felt better. And anyways, who wouldn't want to be in the home state of so many hot accents?

"Are you shitting me?" Elaine cursed as a downpour started out of nowhere. Just her luck; she had been told a lie on the weather channel, and had decided she could go without the weight of her umbrella. The universe was a pain in the ass most of the time. So, Elaine trudged home in the rain, almost making it to her flat.

She had definitely looked both ways, she would swear it on her mother's grave. But a big ass bus came out of thin air as she tried to walk across the road. Which, of course, had stopped a few centimeters from Elaine's face.

She peered up at the driver in horror, and saw that he had big circle glasses, almost making him appear like an owl. He stared down at her, about the same look that was on her face, before a man came out of the big, not to mention purple, bus. He had messy black hair, glasses, and was wearing black jeans with a plain grey shirt.

"Are you okay?" he asked her, his glasses getting raindrops on them. She stared at him, before looking back up at the owl man, and then back to glasses. "You're obviously in shock. Here, come sit. I'm sure he can take you to the nearest hospital."

Now, normally, Elaine would have politely declined before speed walking off in a slight panic. At this very moment, however, she just nodded slowly and tried to get her legs to function. They wouldn't. Elaine wasn't one to be fazed by much, but almost being squashed by a giant bus would have any normal person at least a little shaken.

When she tried again to move her legs, the last thing she saw was a funny little stick in the man's hand before she closed her eyes.


About three hours and a singular bus ride later, Elaine finally came around in a room she wasn't familiar with. The ceiling was old wood, and the couch she was laying on was old and worn, but Elaine had to admit it smelled amazing, wherever she happened to be.

She blinked a few times, noticed her clothes and hair were dry instead of drenched, and then sat up at a speed she had been unaware she could achieve. Her head pounded and her vision went a little fuzzy for a hot second, but she blinked it away. Her mouth promptly dropped at the house she was in.

Elaine saw that clothes were folding themselves on the couch across from the one she was on. And then she saw a scarf being knit... with no visible person to hold the needles. She had to blink, to make sure she was seeing correctly. She then looked to her left and saw, next to a large fireplace, a particularly peculiar clock. It did not, in fact, include times. No, it had words and multiple hands, with faces on each.

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