Ch. 23: book throwing

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It was mid-November, and life was going great for Elaine Ashryver. Living with her boyfriend and his twin above her workplace, going to eat dinner at the Burrow thrice a week, and spending weekends staying up late with her new family; Elaine couldn't be happier.

    When they had gotten back from Florida, Ginny announced Elaine and George had made it official. Molly and Arthur couldn't have been happier, and they now both considered her part of the family. Ron and Hermione stopped by here and there, and Elaine had eventually met the rest of the Weasley siblings.

    Along with that, she had taken the time, with George's help, to try and figure out the whole deal with her mother. After a week they gave up, realizing there wouldn't be anything on her here, it would be in America, if there was anything to find. Sometimes questions still plagued her mind, but she eventually learned to push them away.

    Currently, Elaine was with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, sitting outside looking at the stars.

    "Which one is Sirius, again?" Elaine asked Harry, looking at the sparkling dots above her. He pointed, smiling.

    "That one, right there," he said. Elaine followed his finger, smiling as well.

    "Do you guys remember anything from your astronomy classes at school?" Elaine asked, curious.

    "Some things. Depends on if i was paying attention or not," Ron said.

    "I remember most of it, but only the big ones and the random ones. It's a lot to remember," Hermione admitted, her voice quiet in contrast to Ron's.

    "Yea, I don't remember shit," Ginny laughed. Elaine laughed with her, and then grabbed Harry's wrist to look at the watch there.

    "Okay, time for me to go. I'll try and be back tomorrow night, but one never knows with the twins." Elaine got up and Ginny got up with her, walking her to the fireplace.

    "Tell George to let you come here tomorrow, or I'll go over and gossip with you there instead," she said, giving her a hug.

    "That might be better; I still can barely handle the floo network, honestly."

    "Yea, well I don't feel like interrupting you two doing something and risk losing my eyesight at the disgusting act it could be." Ginny let her go, watching as she grabbed some powder and rolled her eyes.

    "As if we'd do that by the fireplace, that's in the living room," Elaine said. Ginny's eyes widened but Elaine was already gone, smirking.


"Finally!" The second she got out she was in someone's arms, and it didn't help her stomach to settle. "I don't understand why you stay so late."

    They let go of her and Elaine looked up to see George, ready for bed. Elaine rolled her eyes and sat on the couch, laying down and covering her eyes with her hand.

    "Because I miss them and they all work. I'm here all day everyday with you, you'll survive." Elaine sighed, enjoying the familiar scent of her house. George got on the couch too, laying beside her. This, however, ended up being mainly him laying on top of her, and she groaned.

    "But you work all day, so we don't get to talk," George pouted, kissing her hands that covered her eyes. "Can we go to bed now, though? I'm tired."

    "Go to bed then, love," Elaine muttered, breathing heavily.

    "You go to bed. You look like you're about to pass out right here," George laughed, pulling her hands from her eyes. He got off and picked her up bridal style. "Up we go, Lou."

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