Ch.18: florida gets visitors

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The plane ride was incredibly short, compared to their first one. Everyone mostly just slept, but Elaine and George whispered throughout the flight, planning pranks and things to do. They came up with a plan to go to the beach and a whole list of other things to try, planning on showing the other three when they got to their hotel.

As for their pranks, they had a few ideas. They included pantsing Fred in public, giving a tip to hotel security that he may have stolen something, and of course things dropping when he opens doors. When they would have time to do them? Who knows.

Their hotel was more of a resort, with small houses with two or four rooms in each, all connected and all near a main commons area that held the cafeteria, the lobby, and other things normal hotels would hold on their first floor. It wasn't cheap, but it wasn't so expensive they couldn't handle it. Besides, after four nights there, they had booked an airbnb for the remainder of the trip.

The group exited the Floridan airport after getting some food. It wasn't very good, but they all ate it anyway. They took an uber to their hotel resort thingy, and within an hour and a half from getting off the plane they were walking into their little house thingy. It had two rooms with two beds in each, and a nice pull out couch.

"Honestly, I cannot wait to get back to my own timezone," Ginny groaned, placing her bags on the floor. Everyone else followed suit and their bags ended up in a giant pile in the entryway.

"It's chill, just don't look at the time and let our body adjust to the sunlight. That's what I did when I first moved. Of course, we'll have to look at the clock with time sensitive things, but that's not until tomorrow," Elaine said, opening the first door she saw.

Inside were two beds, both matching, with a nightstand, dresser, and a television. The other room turned out to be identical, the only difference was the flipped layout and a different painting hung on the wall.

"Ginny, dearest, which room would you like?" Elaine asked, putting an arm around Ginny's shoulders.

"The one closest to the bathroom," Ginny said, laughing. "Speaking of, I really have to pee. Be out in a minute."

"Don't fall in!"

"She's a grown woman, she wouldn't even fit," George said, confused.

"It's a joke, darling," Elaine smiled, shaking her head.

"Ew, get a room," Fred said, making a face. Elaine raised an eyebrow and then sighed, rolling her eyes.

"So which one of you gets the couch?" Elaine asked.




All three said each other's names at the same time, and then looked at each other accusingly. Ginny walked out of the bathroom and tilted her head, confused.

"Whats going on?" She asked. Everyone looks to her now.

"They can't decide who gets the couch," Elaine said, moving to sit on it. There were also two chairs on either side, with a third television and a bookshelf beside that.

"Well George, obviously," Ginny said, as if it truly was obvious.

"Hey! Why me?"

"Because you'll end up wherever Elaine is sleeping anyways." Ginny shrugged, earning laughs from Fred and Harry. Elaine blushed and George looked stumped as to how he would reply. "Don't deny it."

"Wait, did you two actually not think of doing that?" Harry asked, looking between the two. When they both stayed silent, he shook his head. "Can you two just admit you're together yet?"

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