Ch. 26: Christmas with the gingers

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Christmas eve came real fast, and along with it snow. It was the morning of, and George was watching Elaine as she slept, smiling. They had planned to take a portkey to Minnesota that night, with Arthur's help, and then take one back two days after Christmas day. They were to leave the Burrow at 10 pm, to show up outside of the Ashryver house at 4 pm Minnesotan time. George honestly couldn't wait, though he was a bit nervous to meet her family this time round, as they were actually dating this time.

Now, however, Fred knocked on the door, and opened it as George sat up and looked at him.

"When do you guys wanna leave?" he whispered, seeing Elaine sleeping.

"Um, maybe in an hour? I don't think anyone but Ginny and Harry are there right

now, anyways," George replied, equally as quietly.

"Okay. I'm gonna make breakfast. Good luck waking the sleeping demon." and with

that he left, saluting his brother before he shut the door. George rolled his eyes and turned to look down at Elaine.

    "Wakey, wakey, Lou," George said, flicking her nose. She shifted a bit but remained asleep. "Come on, Elaine. It's Christmas!"

    "No, Lena. lemme sleep, go bother dad," Elaine replied, turning over onto her stomach.

    "Elaine, it's George. Time to get up, come on, let's go!" George said, shaking her a bit.

    "Why?" a sleepy Elaine replied, groaning.

    "Because my mum said we have to be there for brunch, and we have less than an hour to get ready." George tried to flip her over, but when he did she just grabbed a hold of him lazily, pulling closer.

    "Shhh... lets sleep." This was one of the rare mornings Elaine wouldn't wake up. They were odd for George, because he didn't want to risk her being irritated the rest of the day if he woke her up wrong. Thankfully, that has only happened a few times.

    "No, love. Lets get up and not have mum mad at us. Come on, sweets," he replied. He pushed her hair from her eyes and kissed her. "If you don't get up I'll have to call backup."

    "No, you won't," Elaine replied. "If you call backup you don't get presents. I don't need an hour to get ready."

    "You'll be wanting all the time you can get if you don't get up soon. I'll drag you out of bed if I have too."

    "Shut up and leave me bed, Forge."

    "Forge?" George laughed loudly, and Elaine finally opened her eyes. "Morning."

    "I didn't mean to say Forge, I was thinking of Fred being back up and trying to say your name. Sorry." She sat up and sighed, combing through her hair with her hands.

    "Don't apologize, it was funny. Now we just need to call Fred 'Gred' and it'll be perfect. Confused everyone at the Burrow."

    "Yea, yea, stop talking so loud."


"Ahh, and sleeping beauty awakens!" Fred said, grinning. Elaine and George had dressed and gotten ready quickly, as Elaine had chosen their outfits the night before while they packed for Minnesota. Elaine did George's packing, because he really didn't seem to understand how damn cold it got there.

    Elaine was wearing blue jeans and a large maroon sweater. George was wearing nearly the same outfit, but there was a large 'G' on his sweater. Fred was wearing his sweater from last year as well, so now the three of them matched.

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