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(a/n: because the first one was a failure, heres the real one :) )

Elaine Ashryver took a deep breath, looking into the mirror that hung on the wall of Ginny's room. She could hear people chatting downstairs and outside, and her two sisters and best friends (Selena and Ginny) were whispering excitedly from the other side of the changing curtain. After a second deep breath to calm her nerves, she stepped outside of the curtain to show the girls her dress.

"Merlin's beard, you look amazing!" Ginny gushed, hand over her mouth. Selena grinned proudly, giving a nod of approval. Elaine looked down at her gown - white with purple flowers here and there; sparkles and glittering fabric around those; and a fairy princess cut that pulled the whole thing together. It was her dream wedding gown, truly.

"George is going to cry - if he doesn't, I'll make sure he does. I've been working on a spell-"

"Lets not hurt my fiance, Lena."

Selena shrugged, doing a trick with her wand that Elaine has seen Fred do before. When George proposed months ago, Elaine decided to put on her big girl pants and while they were here for the party and celebrations, tell her father and her siblings about their wife/mother; and that Ryder and Selena, in turn, could be wizards as well.

It took about a month of them being upset and confused before Ryan Ashryver finally decided he was going to move to England, taking Selena and Ryder with him. Since then, the Weasley-Ashryver family has been doing great. Anyway, back to the dress.

"Think it's worth it?" Elaine asked, doing a spin.

"I think it's perfect," the two girls said together, laughing afterwards. Elaine was glad they got along so well. "Jinx!"

"Good. Yea, okay." Whenever Elaine thought of the big day (T-minus 5 days), she got butterflies. And then she felt ill. Not because she regretted it in any way, but because it was truly a big day - bonding for life with family, being the center of attention, lots of people around...

"She looks like she's gonna be sick," Selena said, raising a brow. Elaine waved her off, going behind the curtain again. She took off the dress and put her shirt and overalls back on. One last look in the mirror, to give herself a reassuring smile, and she went back out so Selena and Ginny could try on their dresses (they were purple and flowy and adorable, by the way).

T minus 4 days

"Elaine!" Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen, snapping Elaine out of her trance. Staring at the fire had her thinking about life before she nearly died, and she was happy to be snapped out of it.

She got up and made her way to the kitchen, curious as to why no one else seemed to be in the house. Mrs. Weasley was placing a pan on the table, grinning.

"What's that?"

"Cakes for you to try! There's four in this pan, so you can try each and choose. George likes them all, and said he doesn't care."

Elaine happily did as told, taking her time and trying to taste every possible flavor. After a while, she nodded.

"they're all to die for, honest." she declared, placing her fork down. She didn't think she'd be able to choose, the four (chocolate, lemon, strawberry, vanilla) all being delectable - obviously, they were made by Mrs. Weasley.

"Which is best? Or I could mix a few... hmm, that would be fun, wouldn't it?"

"Yes! That would be lovely, Molly."

Mrs. Weasley gave her a hug, standing above her as she sat at the table. The women kissed the top of her head,

"This may sound rather weird, but I'm glad you nearly died."

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