Ch. 20: cosplaying but only for the fans

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Elaine Ashryver walked to the front gates of Universal with a wide smile on her lips. The lines were not that long, and they seemed to go by pretty quickly. By the time the group made it through, Elaine had put on her sunglasses and slung her small backpack back around her shoulders. Ginny came up near her and just stared at the sight.

    Harry had a map, with the twins looking over his shoulders to see it. Elaine pushed them to the edge of the walkway, and then turned to face them.

    "Okay, listen up, children." Elaine waited for everyone to look at her, amused smiles on their faces. "It's not that busy today, but we'll have to wait in lines anyways. We have access to both these two parks."

    She pointed on the map to show them. "We can start anywhere and eventually we'll make it around. If you don't know what something is just ask, and i'll probably know. God, i sound like a fucking tour guide..."

    "It's fine. We need a tour guide," Harry reassured her, smiling. "Do you guys wanna do this?"

    Harry then used his finger to draw a path along the map, going almost in a circle, hitting nearly everything.

    "Sounds good," Ginny said, nodding. "We're sticking together, right?"

    "Yes." Elaine put her arm through Ginny's and the two led the boys into the massive theme park.


"That was amazing!" Harry said, nearly squealing. Elaine laughed, nodding. They had ridden the Mummy, despite only Elaine knowing what it was themed on. Harry had ridden by Elaine, along with George, and Ginny and Fred sat behind them, so no one would be alone in the rows of four.

    "Wanna go again?" Elaine asked, looking towards the group.

    "No," Fred breathed heavily, grasping his stomach. "That bloody safety bar hit me way too hard on that stop."

    "Wanna wait for us then?" Ginny asked, already walking backwards into the line. Fred nodded, going to lean up against a wall.

    "Epic," George said, pulling Elaine and Harry back into the line.


"Okay, Elaine, you said the entrance to Diagon Alley was over here. I don't see it," Harry complained, throwing Elaine a glance. Elaine was smirking, leaning against a brick wall. The first time she came here, her best friend let her walk past the entrance thrice before showing it to her.

    "It is right here."

    "Elaine, you're obviously blind," Ginny said, shaking her head. Elaine gave George a look. He had seen the entrance and tried to go in before Elaine shook her head and brought him to where they waited now.

    "Why don't you just tell us, dear Elaine?" Fred said, smiling sweetly.

    "Fine. Come over to where I'm standing, and look this way." Elaine turned, and the three came over and did as she said.

    "ITS BEEN THERE THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME?" Fred asked, throwing his hands up. A child looked at him and laughed at his word choice, while his father glared at Fred.

    "Yea." Elaine shrugged, grabbing Harry's arm and looping it through hers. "Are you ready for this? It's gonna be magical."

    "Wow, that was so funny and unique, Elaine," Fred said, rolling his eyes.

    "Yea, i'm ready. Just hope the butterbeer will make it so it's not so hot, honestly," Harry said, wiping his brow. His hair moved out of the way, showing off his scar. The same kid who laughed at Fred saw and gasped, pulling on his dad's hand and pointing.

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