Ch. 13: pillow fights and procrastination

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Elaine Ashryver really, really hated packing. She was to leave to go back to the States in three days, and had yet to pack. Normally, it would be fine, but she was currently staying with Fred and George, who actually turned out to be decent roommates... Anyways, they both were not packed either, and Elaine knew she didn't want to be rushing along with them and miss their flight.

They had had many talks with the Weasley parents about magic and muggles and safety. Arthur had told the four wizards that would be joining Elaine that they had to perform little magic in the States, as he didn't know what the magical congress of the united states of america, or MACUSA, would do. They were also told to sit Elaine's family down and make sure they understood everything, a conversation Elaine was dreading.

"Elaine! It's your day for breakfast!" Fred shouted from the kitchen. Elaine rolled over in the bed, she was staying in George's room while the twins shared for the time being. "ELAINE!"

"I did breakfast yesterday, it's your turn, Fred!" she shouted back, placing the pillow over her head afterwards. She was incredibly tired, having stayed up past midnight with George. They just talked, really, about everything. But Elaine was slightly regretting that she had lost precious sleep over it, as the twins had her working hard all day every day. The only thing that has kept the poor girl sane all these weeks was then she went to the Burrow on the weekends to visit Ginny and Harry, when he was there.

Elaine had hoped the quiet meant that Fred had just decided to make breakfast, but she should've known it was too good to be true.

Someone opened her door swiftly and then ripped her blankets off. Then they squealed and fell to the floor.

"ELAINE! WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?!" Fred yelled loudly, covering his eyes, still on his ass. "God, woman, you're so pale!"

Elaine looked from her sports bra and shorts to the redhead, still on the floor with his hands over his head. She grabbed a pillow and whacked him with it.

"Brat! Next time, knock!"

Elaine placed a bowl in front of Fred, while George grabbed his own. She literally made cereal, both boys being too stubborn to do it themselves as it was her day for cooking, Georges for cleaning, and Fred's day off. The chore rotation was Fred's idea, in hopes of getting Elaine to stay with them after being irritated with having to bring her to work daily. He thought she would come if he promised to do some of the cleaning.

"Thank you, Lanie," Fred grinned at her and began to eat while Elaine glared.

"I hate you, you know that?"

"Oh, he knows. He finds it funny," George said, sitting beside her. "I've tried to get him to stop, but he gets bored, all alone."

"He literally has a twin, George."

"He's literally right here, Elaine," Fred said. Elaine got some milk on her spoon and flung it at him. His mouth was wide open as it dripped from his hair, and when he opened his eyes he was glaring. "You're gonna regret that."

"Maybe, but George won't help you, so you'll have to think twice as hard to get me at your normal level."

Fred looked to his twin, who was staring at the table, laughing quietly to himself.

"You'd help me, right, Georgie?"

"Oh, um..." George glanced between his twin and Elaine, panicked. "Would you look at that! It's time to open shop!"

George was looking at his wrist, but there was no watch there.

"Why I agreed to stay here is beyond me." Elaine shook her head as she placed her dish in the sink. Fred came up behind her with his, and as she went to turn around, he poured the rest of his cereal on her head. At the look on Elaine's face, Fred ran quickly from the flat and to the shop. "FRED WEASLEY GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND!"

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