Ch. 19: MACUSA

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Elaine woke up with what felt like ropes clung around her torso tightly. It took a few seconds to remember that it wasn't ropes and instead it was George. It sounded like the whole world was asleep, but Elaine was hungry. Like, really hungry.

    She tried to pry Georges arms off of her, but one was under her and the other on top, his hands connected, and tight.

    "George!" she hissed, turning to face him. At this his grip just became tighter, bringing her body closer to his. She looked at his face and saw a slight smirk laying there.

    "Morning, Elaine," he whispered, opening his eyes. "What's got you in such a foul mood?"

    "You and your death grip keeping me from eating," she whispered back. Then she realized she had yet to brush her teeth and she tried again to escape his arms. "Let me go, you brat!"

    "But why, we were sleeping so nicely." George was pouting now, looking at Elaine like she just stole his candy.

    "If i don't get food in the next minute and a half, i'll bite my way out of this bed," Elaine warned, completely serious.

    "She'll do it, George. Now shut up, the sun is barely up," Ginny said from across the room. Elaine was surprised she wasn't yelling at the two for waking her.

    "Fine, fine. But come back when you've eaten, I'll get cold," George said, letting her go. She smiled triumphantly and turned to leave. She got up and went to the kitchen, found Harry laying out on the pull out couch, and raised her brow. He had a bed all to himself and chose to sleep out here? Weird...

    Elaine looked through her bags and found a single granola bar. Just one. She really, really, did not want to go to the lobby area by herself to get food. Especially since she was in short shorts and a tank top. She sighed, placed the granola bar on the counter, and went back to her room.

    She jumped on the bed, almost right on top of George, and opened his eyes forcefully until he opened them willingly.

    "Did you need something?" He smiled at her, tired but amused. She was almost fully on top of his body, looking down at him.

    "We don't have any food in here. I don't wanna leave by myself."

    "Why not?"

    "Because i could be kidnapped or injured or maimed. Who knows?" Elaine told him, a little bit of it was real worry, while the rest was just her joking.

    "Fine. Go wake up Ginny," George said, turning till he wasn't facing her. Elaine pulled his body so it was under hers again and he sighed.

    "George, please. Not that Ginny is not a bad ass, but if I'm with a dude I'll feel safer," Elaine said, brushing a bit of hair from his face.

    "How do you mean?" He asked, confused.

    "I've never been here, and i don't know who else is here, or who's gonna be at the cafeteria. Let's say I go right this moment, by myself, and some dude decides he wants me in his room. I'm kinda small, so it would be hard to try and get out. Do you follow now?"

    "Yes. I'm coming. Give me six minutes," George said, nodding. He got up and out of bed and opened his bag, grabbing clothes. "Are you changing into something warmer?"

    Elaine couldn't tell if he was concerned because of what she mentioned or if he was just worried about her being cold. Either way, she leaned across the bed, reached over his shoulder into his bag, and pulled out a sweater.

    "Um, Elaine, that's my jumper," George said, turning to face her. His eyes sparkled a bit, like he was amused but genuinely happy.

    "I know. I won't be cold now," Elaine shrugged, pulling it on. It went almost half way down her thighs, George being tall as he was. Elaine didn't care, though, it was soft. Why are men's clothes better? Elaine had a pair of men's sweats she stole from her brother and they're softer than any of hers...

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