Ch. 11: giraffe vs. ostrich

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It had been a week and a half since the family meeting, and Elaine had yet to tell her family about going back home. She figured she should plan with her trip companions first, before telling her father. She was staying with the twins, George sleeping in his brother's room for the time being.

Currently, Elaine was working with the twins to agree on names for products they're going to release right before the holidays, so when kids get back home and they stop by, they can buy lots of things instead of the usual.

"Why can't it have alliteration, Fred? Most other things do!" George argued. They were in the flat above the shop, bickering like children, per usual.

"Because, these are different, and your name is stupid!"

"Yours is no better! Slipping Socks sounds better than Falling Socks!"

"Elaine? Are you going to help or just watch us argue?" Fred looked towards her from across the room. They were in the kitchen, standing around the high top table instead of sitting. Elaine rolled her eyes.

"What even is  this one? My brain hurts from all your other ones..."

"You give people socks, like as a gift, and whenever they wear them they fall down. It's quite funny to watch, but it leaves so nasty bruises in places you don't want..." George explained, shuttering. Elaine shook her head at them.

"Falling Socks is more direct," Elaine started. Fred threw his hands up in the hair and started to bow, while George gave Elaine a dirty look. "However, Slipping Socks sounds better."

Fred now gave Elaine a dirty look, George grinning victoriously at his brother.

"You always side with George. It's not fair!"

"You're acting like a child, Fred. and I do not! I agreed with you yesterday about selling those hats in different colors instead of just one!" Elaine pointed out. Fred shook his head and started banging it on the table.

"What are you doing?" Elaine and George said together. Fred looked up real fast and glanced between the two before groaning.

"What?" Elaine demanded. Fred stared at her like she was stupid.

"You two are impossible. And stupid, and oblivious!" Fred then left the room, leaving Elaine and George to stare at each other in confusion.

"What do you reckon he means?" George asked her, confused. She shrugged and sat down, resting her head on the table. George walked around the table and sat beside her. He flicked her ear and she looked up at him, glaring.

"What was that for?"

George grinned. "To annoy you. Did it work?"

Elaine groaned and placed her head back into her arms. George put a hand on her back, trying to comfort the girl.

"What's wrong, El?"

Elaine then muttered something, but it didn't escape past her arms.

"Can you repeat that?" George laughed, brushing the hair from her face.

"You two are going to be the death of me."

"Us?" Elaine nodded, turning her head so it rested on her arms while she looked at him. He took his hand off her back, placing it over his heart. "How you hurt me, Elaine."

"You hurt my ears, we're even."

"How does that make it even?"

"I don't know, it just does."

"'I don't know, it just does,'" George mimicked.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

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