Ch. 8: the muggle meets the ferret

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Elaine awoke Monday morning to George smacking her with his pillow and Fred bouncing on the end of her bed. The weekend had gone by way too fast; they mainly just hung out and joked, getting to know each other and annoying each other until they each retired to their rooms. Elaine had yet to move from Ginny's room, partially because she was lazy and partly because she-

"You two are fucking children oh my word! Let me sleep." she then rolled over and tried to suffocate herself back to sleep with her pillow. George then grabbed her blankets and pulled them off, leaving her cold and sad.

She sat up and glared at them, her hair now a mess.

"I hate you both. So so so much."

"Tough luck, El," George said, shrugging. They left but before they disappeared from sight he called, "you're coming with us to work! We leave in thirty minutes!"



"Are you sure you don't want any breakfast, Elaine?" Molly asked, nearly shoving food into her face. Elaine took a slice of toast to quiet the mother hen before turning to the twins. They carried bags, as they were going to be staying above their shop, and they wore suits so blue they were almost purple. They both grinned madly before taking her hand and bringing her to the fireplace.

"See, normally, Elaine, we'd disapparate," Fred started. Elaine mentally prepared herself for the back and forth.

"But seeing as we're bringing you," George continued.

"We thought you may want to travel by floo."

"Here's how you do it," they said together.

"Grab some of this stuff-"

"Step into the fireplace-"

"Make sure you pro-nun-ci-ate," Fred said, as if she had no clue what the word was.

"And throw it down as you say 'Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!'"

"Can one of you go first?" Elaine asked, a little wary of traveling through a fireplace... George rolled his eyes before stepping in and doing exactly as he instructed. When he was gone and Elaine was coughing, Fred waved her forward impatiently and she stuck her tongue out at him.

As Elaine got into the fireplace with the powder, she instinctively remembered what happened to Harry his first time. The last thing she was was Fred sticking his tongue out at her.


When Elaine finished screaming, she realized she wasn't on the hard surface of a fireplace, but instead on a body.

Her first thought was 'HAVE I KILLED SOMEONE?'. And then she heard the body groan.

"Get off, Elaine!" Elaine then realized she had landed on George, and she scrambled off of him, laughing. He sat up in the fireplace, only to have his brother do the same thing.


It took awhile for everyone to settle down.


"So, what do you wanna do first, Elaine?" George asked her, unpacking his bag. Fred did the same and Elaine stood there awkwardly, leaning against a bookshelf that had products and folders on it instead of books.

"What are my options?"

"Well we could give you a tour-"

"Or we could show you diagon alley-"

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