Chapter 18

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I was with the paramedics and the cloaking spell seems to works

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I was with the paramedics and the cloaking spell seems to works. I looked over to see Scott and Stiles talking to Sheriff Stilinski. He already asked me questions like if I saw someone or whatever. Unlike the boys who I'm sure told him was Derek Hale. I told him I didn't know, that it was too dark for me too see. I see my parents running up to me with worried expressions.
"What happen?!",my dad asked.
"The alpha was here. He's trying to kill me. He managed to get white oak ash and used it against me. I can feel it inside me, its like a knife twisting nonstop",I told them crying.
They just hugged me carefully as mom cries with me.
"Honey, I don't think I have enough magic to get it all out. I would need help",mom starts.
"Why can't you or dad do it?",I asked.
"I'm not as powerful and your father wouldn't be able to get the white oak ash out of you. We have to go to the Mikaelsons sweetie",mom tells me looking guilty.
"I don't care. I just want it to stop. Please make it stop",I cried. Stiles came up to us with a worried look as did Scott.
"We have to get her to the Mikaelson home",mom anounces.
"What? Why?",Stiles asked, not like the idea.
"Because the white oak ash manged to get in her blood stream making her very, very sick each minute. I'm surprised she hadn't hallucinate yet. If it reaches her heart, she might die",my mom explains quietly. I was then picked up and was in the car.
"We would come with Haze but...our parents are here",Stiles says.
"And they already worried",Scott says really guilty. They both did.
"Its fine. I'll be okay. I'll text you both when I'm alive",I told them half jokingly. Though they didn't think it qas funny. They both hug me before going to their parents still looking guilty that they couldn't be with me.
"We have to hurry Dean",I hear mon say. I start to doze off but was shaken awake.
"Dont sleep honey. We're getting you help",mom tells me quietly as she opens our car door and dad lays me down in the back.

3rd person.
The Russo's pulled up in front of the Mikaelson home. Dean hurries to get his daughter to the front door with Andy following. She beats in the door till it open.
"Please! Please helps us!",Andy pleads as tears fall down her face. Elijah who was the one to open the door looked in deans arms and saw his niece who looks out of it, seems to be fighting with herself to keep awake.
"Come in! Quickly!",he ushers them in. He leads then into the dining room and motions dean to lay Hazel on the table so he did. He screams for everyone to come into the dining room. A couple minutes and they were all there. They gasped when they see the state Hazel was in. They looked at her worriedly and scared for her. Andy cries hysterically into Dean's chest and Dean holds Hazel's hand.
"What happen?",Haley gasped as tears build up.
"An alpha who is roaming town. He-he has white oak ash and had it coated on his claws and stab Hazel. She has it in her bloodstream. She's had it in for so long I wouldn't be strong enough to get it out myself. You were the only witches in town I knew of who can help",Andy explains as she looks to the witches of the family.
"But white oak ash were destroyed. I made sure!",Rebekah says to them confused and angry.
"Apparently not or Hazel wouldn't almost be dying. Get ti work!",Dean snaps.
"Andy, I don't think you should help. You really upset... Hope and I handle this",Freya tells Andy softly. Andy nods agreeing and stays beside Dean. Freya look through her grimoire till she saw what seems perfect for this situation. Everyone watches as Freya and Hope take both of Hazel's hands and connect their hands after they get a bowl to put the white oak ash in. They start chanting away in whatever language they were speaking that wasn't latin. Everyone watched as Hazel closed her eyes and slashed around and screams in pain. Each minute, the more she slashes around aggressively. The white oak ash flows out of her wound and into the bowl. It took about ten minutes till they made sure every single drop of white oak ash was out of Hazel's body. Dean quickly heals Hazel's wound shut and Hazel finally went to sleep. Andy took a washcloth and lightly pats the sweat off her face.
"What happen?",Klaus asked wanting the whole story.
"Not our story to tell. We only told you what was necessary",Dean told them with a glare.
"She is my daughter and I think i should know what is going on",Klaus snaps loudly causing Hazel to whine in her sleep.
"She is MY daughter",Dean says with a raised voice and a hateful glare.
"You lost the right to call her yours years ago. And if she feels comforrable to tell you what's been going on, then she will tell you. We came to you to help us keep her alive and thats all we need. We are very greatful but I think its time to go",Dean tells them.
"Can you at least tell us if she's okay after she wakes up",Hope asked hopefully to the Russo parents. They look at Hope with a soft look. They knew Hope wasn't to blame for hurting Hazel, it was the adults fault. They showed Hope that it was okay to ignore Hazel when it wasn't and Hope felt awful when she realized it.
"Here's my number dear. Text me and I'll let you know",Andy told Hope kindly.
"Th-thank you. So much",Hope says happily.
"Perhaps we can have dinner. Since we are old friends Andy",Elijah suggested. Andy looked at her husband who shakes his head no.
"We'll think about it",Andy says. She didn't want to be rude to Elijah, they were old friends but she didn't want to be close to him again after what he and his family done to Hazel. Dean picks his daughter up bridal styles and the Russo family leaves the Mikaelson home. The Mikaelson family watched in wonder.
"How do you suppose Hazel got dragged into? Especially with an alpha?",Elijah asked.
"Danger. We're all in danger",Rebekah speaks up.

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