Chapter 15

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I get out of Stiles jeep and the boys and I got close together waiting for Derek

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I get out of Stiles jeep and the boys and I got close together waiting for Derek.
"This is a terrible idea",Stiles pointed out. I crossed my arms because I got a little cold.
"Yeah, I know",Scott tells us.
"But we're still gonna do it...?",I asked with a raised brow.
"Can you think of something better?",scott asked us both in frustration. Stiles and I shrug.
"Well, personally, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away...",Stiles tells Scott.
"I agree with that one hundred percent",I add and fist bump Stiles.
"Just make sure we can get inside",Scott says. Stiles and I shared an annoyed look before he got the tools out of his jeep. I noticed Derek's car amd turn to my best friends.
"He's here",I told them. I watch as Derek pulls over and gets out.
"Where's my boss?",Scott snaps.
"He's in the back",Derek says annoyed,slamming his car door. We all bend down to see Scott's boss unconcious.
"Oh, well, he looks comfortable",Stiles says sarcastically. I smacked him on his bicep.
"Not the time",I hissed at him.
"Hazel, stay with Derek and make sure he doesnt kill my boss",Scott whispers and I furrowed my brows.
"Why me?",I asked him.
"Because you are more stronger",Stiles says and I nod. Makes sense. I watch them as they go towards the school.
"Wait-Hey. What are you doing?",Derek asked confused.
"You said I was linked with the Alpha. I'm gonna see if you're right",Scott says. I stand awkwardly in silence.
"This is a terrible idea, right?",I asked Derek.
"The worst",Derek grumbles making me sigh.
"Why are you always in a sour mood?",I asked and didn't get an answer so I just stay quiet.
"How did you end up friends with Scott and Stiles?",he asked me. He said my friends name in detest.
"When I moved here, no one liked me for some reason. I was alone, So Scott and Stiles stepped up and became my friends", I explain briefly. All the sudden, we heard something awful.
"You've got to be kidding me",Derek says incredulously and angry. I on the other hand burst into little giggles, what the the hell was that? I stopped when I noticed Derek was looking at me with a small smile. I tilt my head to the side and walked closer to him.
"Why are you smiling?",I asked him.
"Nothing for you to worry about?",he says still smiling, I like the look on him.
"Please tell me?",I asked with my puppy eyes. He looks at me and look defeated and embarrassed.
"I like your laugh",he says quietly. I was so surprised but smile anyways.
"Well then, I like your smile. Now we're even",I told him making him laugh.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!",we hear, is that Scott? Derek smile immediately falls as he looks towards the school angrily. Few minutes later, Scott and Stiles come walking back.
"I'm gonna kill both of you!",Derek says furiously.
"Derek please call down",I told him softly, he gives me a side glance but kept talking to Scott and Stiles.
"What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?",Derek asked angrily.
"Sorry... I didn't know it would be that loud...",Scott tells Derek sheepishly.
"Yeah, it was loud... and it was AWESOME!",Stiles excitedly says as Derek gives him a blank look.
"Shut up",Derek snaps irritably.
"Don't be such a sour-wolf!",Stiles mocks making me laugh. Derek gives me a diabelief look before glaring at scott amd Stiles again.
"What'd you do with him?",Scott asked angrily.
"What?",Derek and I asked in sync. I turn around to see Derek's back car door open and Deaton was gone.
"I didn't do anything",Derek defends himself.
"He must've snuck off when we weren't looking",I say. All the sudden, Derek was attacked. Blood was leaking from his mouth and he was picked up and thrown to the side.
"HAZEL!!". I heard Scott and Stiles scream. All I remember was pain in my abdomen. I callaspe on the ground clutching my wound. Scott came quickly to my side and licked me up bridal style with tears.
"Derek",i gasped softly.
"Don't talk Hazel",Scott tells me. I felt him run and I noticed we're inside the school. As the boys argued about locking doors, I was trying to figure out why I'm not healing as fast. I think I might've been poison. The only thing that could actually haem me is white oak ash but how could the alpha have his hands on that. I feel so weak and pathetic.
"Stiles, no! Don't-!",I hear Scott scream. I open my eyes and try sitting up.
"What's the idiot doing?",I asked.
"Hazel, lay back down! You're hurt!",Scott says.
"Please, I'm a Tribrid. I think I heal",I say and roll my eyes. I'm not healing as fast, more like super slowly. Like slower than Derek and Scott's healing process.
"Run! Stiles! Stiles!",Scott screams beating on the door. I got up unsteadily amd walked beside Scott. When Stiles run back in and locked the door, we looked for the alpha through the window.
"Where is it?...Where did it go?",Scott asked as he looked for the alpha. We started backing up, I had Scott's help after we disnt see the alpha anymore.
"That won't hold, will it?",Scott asked.
"Probably not",Stiles says the same rime I say "Absolutely not". We turned around to looked at the scary, dark halls. Then a loud, scary howl was heard making us run into a random classroom. And me being in pain qnd cant really run, scott had to picked me up. He sits be down on one of the student desk.
"The desk!",Stiles says and the two boys scrambled around and try to move it. I groan in pain and irritation. In barely healing meaning the alpha coated his claws in white oak ash.
"Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out",I told them sternly.
"We know, Hazel",Scott says out of breath.
"It's your boss",Stiles tells him.
"What?",Scott asked not believing.
"Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss",Stiles continues.
"We don't know that Stiles",I try to say.
"Yes we do! Murdering psycho-Werewolf",Stiles goes on. "That can't be-",Scott says in disbelief.
"Oh, come on! He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?",Stiles asked making me look down upset. I could have helped him.
"It's not him",scott says strongly.
"He killed Derek",Stiles snaps making hus point. It made ne flinch, he shouldn't be dead.
"No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead",Scott says.
"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay Scott? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next",I told Scott.
"Okay, just... What do we do?",Scott asked.
"Get the hell out of here",I snap and groan in pain.
"Hazel is right. We get to my Jeep. We get out of here. You seriously think about quitting your job",Stiles tells his plan. We moved near the windows. I used little bit of magic i had in me to stop the bleeding from my wound. Scott tries opening the window only for Stiles to stop him.
"No, they don't open. The school's climate-controlled",Stiles tells us.
"Then we break it",Scott says.
"Which will make a lot of noise",I told him,
"Then, uh... Then we run really fast. Really fast",Scott told us.
"Yes because I can run really fast with an open wound with poison inside of me",I say sarcastically.
"You were poisoned?",scott and stiles both asked.
"The alpha must have known that i was a tribrid and coated his claws with white oak ash which should be in possible because my family destroyed it all",i told them.
"Is there a way for you to get better?",Stiles asked worriedly.
"I'm not going to die. I'm just going to be incredibly sick and very, very, weak till the poison is out. I'm barely healing",I explain to them.
"How do we get it out?",Scott asked looking like a lost puppy.
"My mom can use her magic is the quickest way",I told them they nod and look a little better. Scott looks out the window and looks shock and confused.
"Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?",Scott asked.
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong...",Stiles says defensively. Him and that jeep, if he and Lydia dont get married. Than its him and roscoe.
"It's bent",Scott says. I looked as well and he was not joking.
"What, like, dented?",Stiles asked as he takes a look.
"No, he means bent",I told Stiles
"What the hell...?",Stiles says angrily and surprised. Then the glass started shattering as something flies into the room. Is that a car battery?
"That's my battery",Stiles says getting up to get it. Scott pulls him back of course.
"Don't",Scott hisses.
"We have to move",Stiles tells him.
"He could be right outside!",Scott told us.
"He is right outside! Unless Casper threw Stiles battery",I say sarcastically. "Just let me take a look",scott told us and looks for about a giod ten seconds.
''Nothing?",i asked.
"Move now?",Stiles asked.
"Move now!", scoot affirms. We moved to the hall and Scott of course helped me.
"This way-",stiles cuts Scott off.
"No, no, no, no".
"What?",I asked confused.
"Somewhere without windows",Stiles says. Oh. Duh!
"Every single room in this building has windows",Scott tells him.
"Or somewhere with less windows",I suggested. Scott thinks for minute.
"The locker room",Scott says.
Scott picks me up bridal style again and we ran to the locker rooms. When we got there, scott sits me down on the bench gently.
"Call your dads",Scott tells us.
"And tell them what?",Stiles and I say in sync. I can't call my dad, I don't want him in this.
"I don't know! Anything! Gas leak. A fire. Whatever! If that thing seeks the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off",Scott says.
"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad? Maybe even Hazel's dad",Stiles says. He has a point.
"They have guns!",Scott argues.
"Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?",Stiles says in a sarcastic tone.
"Then we-we have to-we have to find a way out and just run for it",Scott stutters and I groan in annoyance.
"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile and Hazel's is hurt genius",Stiles tells Scott.
"What about Derek's car?",Scott asked.
"That could work... We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car",Stiles plans.
"And him",I told them.
"Fine. Whatever",Stiles mumbled. With help, we tried exiting the lockeroom. Stiles goes to open the door but Scott stopped him from doing so.
"What?",Stiles asked alarmed. I tried to jear what scotr was hearing but being so week was kinda hard to concentrate.
"I think I heard something...",Scott mumbles.
"Like what?",I asked.
"Quiet!",he shushed us. He concentrates more as he backs up causing us to as well before whispering a 'Hide'. Stiles rishes and stuffs me in a locker before getting in another one a little loudly as scotr was repeating 'no'. I slumped in rhe locker and closed my eyes.
"Son of a bitch!",I hear. Is that our janitor?
"Quiet!",Stiles hissed quietly.
"Quiet my ass! What the hell are you trying to do, kill me?",the janitor snaps loudly. The lockerdoor opens and Scott gently lifts me out of the locker.
"All three of you, get out!",janitor snaps again. He starts pushing us out roughly. I growl, literally growl at him because he was hurting me. He immediatly stops pushing me and gives me a strange look. We were out in the hall again.
"Will you just listen for half a second, okay-",Stiles starts but gets cut off.
"Not okay, just get out",janitor demands us.
"God, just one second to explain-",Stiles pleads.
"Just shut up and go!",janitor says angrily but flew into the lockeroom and the door slams shut. The janitor was pressed up against the blurry window and started screaming in pain as blood was splattered. It was really painful to watch, I really wanted to help. Scott tries opening the door but couldn't. Stilea just pulls him back.
"Go! Go!",Stiles screams. Scott scoops me in his arms and we start running off.

Please read!!!
Sorry it took so long. I was sick for like four days so my mom took me to the hospital, thankfully no covid-19. And I know there's no such thing as white oak ash and only daggers and stakes but it's a fanfic and I can do whatever I want woth my character. Sorry it's short but it took a long time to write this. It was do hard because hazel can easily defeat the alpha with her pinkie so I have to figure out how to weaken her in this chapter. Again, sorry for taking so long and for it being short.

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