Chapter 05

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As was walking to my locker when i felt someone take my arm and started dragging me.
"Stiles? What the hell?",I asked him.
"Help me look for Scott",he demands and I roll my eyes.
"Why?",I asked.
"I tell you with Scott. C'mon, where is he",Stiles groan.
"Most likely at his locker",I tell him.
"Well lets go",he says and drags me. We finally got to Scott's locker.
"Hey, come here",Stiles commands.
"What?",Scott asked. Stiles drags us both across the hallway and points up the staircase where his dad, a couple deputies, amd the principal are talking.
"Tell me what they're saying",Stiles tells us.
"Can you hear 'em?",Stiles asked annoyingly. I turn around and glare at him.
"We could if you shut up",I hissed.
"I want everyone under the age of eighteen to be in their home by 9:30PM. We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately",Sheriff Stilinski says.
"Look, we don't-",Principal starts.
"Curfew because of the body",Scott tells Stiles.
"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants",Stiles rambles angrily. I lean on the wall as I listen.
"Well, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek",Scott points out.
"I can do something",Stiles says determined.
"Like what?",I asked with a scoff.
"Find the other half of the body",Stiles says and walks away.
"Oh brother",I say with a shake of my head.
"Are you kidding?!",Scott says upset and angry. I look where he was looking to see Lydia, Allison, and some lacrosse jock. I rolled my eyes at the drama.
"I'm not getting into this",I say and leave quickly before he tries to pull me with him.

I was at Scott's house because he apparently had something to tell Stiles and I. All he told me was he went to the Hale house to tell Derek to stay away from Allison.
"Why didn't you bring me?",I asked as I watch him do it laces on his lacrosse stick.
"Because you walked away when I went to talked to Allison. Allison got her jacket back and its the same jacket Derek had to lore me to him last friday. I was so angry I didnt think amd thats shen I went over there",he explains making me nod. His door suddenly thrown open and Stiles comes running, breathing hard, looks excited. He had adderall.
"What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?",Stiles asked manically.
"...And, yes, I've had a lot of Adderall, so...",Stiles admits. Ha, knew it.
"I found something at Derek Hale's",Scott tells us.
"Are you kidding? What?",Stiles asked with wide eyes. I listen as I was very curious.
"There's something buried out there. I could smell blood",Scott explains and I scrunched my nose.
"That's awesome!",Stiles says excitedly. I give him a look.
"I mean, that's terrible",he corrects himself.
"Whose blood?",I asked Scott after I rolled my eyes at Stiles.
"I don't know... But, when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then, you both help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing, because there's no way I'm not playing that game",Scott says making stiles jump with excitement.
"Whoa whoa whoa. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. You don't think its the other half of the body do you?",I asked Scott.
"Maybe. It was never found,right Stiles?",Scott asked Stiles for confirmation.
"Correct",Stiles tells us.
"Ok,now how are we going to prove that its the same body?",I asked.
"We can sneak into the morgue. I can get the scent from the morgue. Go to Derek's. See if its the same and bust Derek. Look, Haze, I know its your first game but I need to play this year. Please",he begs. I sigh as I nod.
"Fine. You two came to my other first games anyways. One wouldn't hurt. And I'll cover for you guys. But you both owe me. Buy me lunch and pay for my gas for two weeks",I say and they both smiled and nod.
"I'm glad we're best friends",Scott says.
"Yeah me too",Stiles says as he bounces of the floor. I hug them both. To be honest, I'm not upset or mad their missing my game. They came to all my games since I moved here. And Scott really loves lacrosse, if he didn't go to Derek's to bust him, he wouldn't be able to play and lose his spot. I couldn't be selfish.

I'm at school in my Volleyball uniform. Looks like this.

 Looks like this

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