Chapter 16

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With me on Scott's back, we ran through the halls trying to escape this hell

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With me on Scott's back, we ran through the halls trying to escape this hell. We get to the double doors and push only to see it can't be open. Like something was against the doors from the outside.
"What the hell?!",Stiles says. Scott managed to poke his head through the doors.
"It's a dumpster",Scott says.
"He pushed it in front of the door to block us in",Stiles says in realization. He starts ramming into the door hoping to push it open. Scott gently set me back on my feet.
"Come on, help me",Stiles says desperately.
"Stop!",Scott yells at him and pushed him away from the door before Stiles breaks his shoulder. Scott picks me up and we start walking down the hall. "I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school",Stiles starts panicking.
"We're not going to die", Scott snaps.
"God, what is he doing? What does he want?",Stiles asked anxiously while throwing his hands up every now and then.
"He wants Scott",I say to them.
"Derek says its stronger with a pack",Scott adds and sighs.
"Oh, great! A psychotic Werewolf who's into teamwork. "That's-that's beautiful",Stiles says sarcastically. Scott stops and seems to listen to whater he's hearing. We started running when we see the alpha. I heard a big boom and bang. So we ran, I don't know how long we were running for with the alpha on our tail but we did. We stopped at one point and I look at Scott.
"I think I can walk",I mumbled to Scott.
"I don't think you can Hazel",Scott says softly.
"Please...put me down. I feel pathetic in your arms. If I end up slowing you diwn you can pick me up again",i told them. Scott was very hesitant but puts me dowb and wraps his arm around my waist so i wouldn't fall.
"All right, we have to do something",Stiles told us.
"Like what?",Scott asked quietly. They were both staring at the door we came in through. We can hear the alpha roaring.
'I don't know! Kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it. Something!",Stiles told us. Then Stiles dig into his pockets and we hear jingleing.
"What are you doing?",I asked confused. He's going to bring the alpha to us. He shushed me and throws to keys to our right. The alpha pooped up at of no where and lounce where the keys were thrown making stiles shut the door quickly.
"The desk. Come on, the desk",Stiles yells as he points the flashlight at the desk. Scott and Stiles both moved it quickly in front if the door only to have it pushed forward a little.
"He can't-",Scott says slowly realizing the alpha couldn't get out. We all just looked at each other breathing heavily. The alpha keeps pushing the door trying to escape. This won't last long and hes going to get out soon.
"Get Hazel across. Come on!",Stiles says a little impatiently to Scott. Scott gently lifts me up and set me on the table before pushing me gently across it to Stiles waiting arms. Stiles then lofts me up and set me softly on the ground. Then Scott jumps over the table and we're all on one side. Stiles keeps leaving and leaning towards the door that Scott took a hold of his jacket and jerks him away.
"I just wanna get a look at it",Stiles whines and I give him a glowering look. Is be insane?
"Are you crazy???",Scott asked basically voicing my thoughts.
"Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out",Stiles says to us. Not for long? I'm friends with an idiot. Stiles climbs onto the table and looks into the window. He shines his light through it as he starts to taunt.
"Yeah, that's right! We got you-". I cut him off though.
"Will you shut up?",I snap.
"No. I'm not scared of this thing!",Stiles says qnd as soon as he daid it, the alpha bangs onto the door making Stiles hump in the air and off the table immediately.
"I'm not scared of you. Right? 'Cause you're in there, and we're out here. You're not going any-",Stiles starts to taunt again and crashing noise interrupts him and we stare with a dumbfounded look. The alpha wrecks the ceiling and it now free on the roof.
"This is what happens when we become too arrogant. Shit like this happens and the alpha is even more pissed off",i told Stiles as he looks at scott and I sheepishly. We watch tbe ceiling i we listen to it walk.
"We should run",I say.
"Agree",Stiles says. Scott lifts me up and we run the opposite way. When we got far away from tbe alpha or at least we hope we did, I was lut fown amd we started walking. Catching our breaths. At one point, we all stopped and Scott seems to be distracted.
"Wait, do you hear that?",Scott asked.
"Hazel? Do you hear it?",he asked.
"Hear what?",stiles and i asked in sync.
"It sounds like a phone ringing...",he says and concentrates more.
"What?",Stiles asked confused. Scott looks alarmed now.
"I know that ring- it's Allison's phone",Scott say surely. He then starts panicking.
"I-i need a phone",Scott says.
"Yeah, here",Stiles says giving Scott the phone.
"What are you doing?",i asked.
"Calling Allison",he says and starts pressing numbers and holds it to his ear.
"Why the hell is Allison here?",I asked Stiles.
"I don't know. We certainly did not invite her",he says. Scott starts speaking so we stay quiet. I try listening on tbe other end of the phone call but it was so much effort.
"No, it's me. Where are you?",Scott asked.
"Where are you and Caden right now?",Scott asked. My head looks over quickly, Caden is here as well?
"Where? Where are you exactly?",Scott asked worriedly.
Get to the lobby. Go now",Scott told her. He hangs up and hands Stiles phone back.
"Off the the lobby",stiles groan.
"Scott can I have your jacket?",I asked him. He gives me a confused look.
"Why?",he asked.
"It be a little hard to explain my bloody shirt and wound huh Scott",I say in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry",he says and takes it off and hands it to me. I take it and put it on quickly zipping it up.
"Arent they going to asked about you limping",Stiles asked.
"Well no duh. Im going to say I trippee as i was running and sprain my foot",i told them both. We tbe, made our way to the lobby. It took us like five minutes to get here and scott quickly swings the door open and walks io the Allison quickly.
"Why did you come? What are you doing here?",Scott her urgently as she givea him a confused look.
"Because you asked me to? And Hazel wanted to see Caden",Allison says all confused.
"I asked you to?",Scott asked confused as well as Stiles and I. Allison shows us the nessage and we become even more confused. Allison became nervous and worried as i can see.
"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?",Allison asked.
"Because I didn't",Scott says,
"Did you drive here?",I asked cutting in. Allison lools over at me and her eyes trailed down the jacket im wearing. Oh I hope she not making up unbelievable scenarios in that head of hers.
"Jackson did",Caden answers instead as he comes to stand by my side.
"Jackson's here, too???",Scott asked incredulously.
"And Lydia",Allison adds.
"What's going on? Who sent this text?",Allison asked. He phone rings and she picks it up. I assume its Lydia.
"Where are you?",Allison asked. The doubke doors slam open and in comes lyfia and Jackson. Lydia hangs up as she walks closer with Jackson.
"Finally! Can we go now?",Lydia asked. All the sudden, we hear heavy walking on the roof.
"Aw shit",I say.
"RUN!",Scott screams. We ran down the hall, Stiles had me on his back as we ran down the halls. I can hear the alpha chasing us. We go tbrough another set of double doors the cafeteria with big windows. Everyone started piling things in fro,t of doors except stiles and I I get off his back as he looks at the windows worriedly.
"Help me get this in front of the door",Scott tells Jackson picking something up.
"Scott, wait. Not here-",Stiles starts but was cut off and ignored by everyone excelt me of course.
"What was that? Scott, what was that?",Allison asked anxiously.
"What came out of the ceiling?",ludia asked as is sounds like she was crying.
"Will you just help me? The chairs- stack the chairs",Scott told them as he and Jackson start moving the heavier stuff.
"Guys-",stikes starts again but was ignored.
"Can we just wait a second?". Ignored.
"You guys, listen to me, w-". Again ignored.
"Can we wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second, please?",Stiles begins to het frustrated so I cut in.
"Helloooooo! Stiles is talking you dumb shits",I snap at them loudly. They finally looked over to us. Man I an mean when I'm poison,
"Thank you Hazel. Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now... What should we do about the twenty-foot wall of windows?",Stiles says exasperatly in a sarcastic tone as he notions with his arms to the windows. Everyone then realized the windows.
"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why",Allison says turning to Scott.
"Scott...?",Allison asked. Acott walks way and starts mean ing on chair looking frustrated and doesnt know how to explain this.
"Somebody killed the janitor",Stiles steps in. I give him a wide eyed look.
"What???",Lydia asked scared.
"Yeah, the janitor's dead",Stiles confirmed.
"What's he talking about? Is this a joke?",Allison laughs nervously.
"Who the hell jokes about this, especially when we were just chased!? Use you brain?",i snap at her.
"What? Who killed him?",Jackson asked.
"No, no, no, no.... This was supposed to be over... The mountain lion killed-",lydia starts freaking out.
vNo, don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion",Jackson snaps at her, I feel bad that she dating this douchbag,
"Who was it?",Caden asked worriedly.
"Hazel?",he asked looking at me. I just stay silent.
"What does he want? What's happening?",allison asked on the verge of tears.
"Scott!?!?",Allison raised her voice sternly causing Scott to stand up straight and turn to us.
"I-I don't know. I-I just-If-if we go out there, he's gonna kill us",Scott explains .
"Us? He's gonna kill us?",Caden says, asked.
"Who? Who is it?",Allison demands.
"It's Derek. It's Derek Hale",Scott says. I give him a dirty look, Derek died and Scott throw him under the bus like that.
"Derek killed the janitor?",caden asking not believing Scott.
"Are you sure?",Allison asked.
"I saw him",Scott told them. I on the other hand give him my best glare. Who is he and what has he down the mg best friend Scott?
"The mountain lio-",Lydia starts anxiously.
"No, Derek killed them",Scott cuts Lydia off.
"Watch it, she's just scared",I snap at Scott.
"All of them?",Allison asked.
"Yeah. Starting with his own sister",Scott lies some more. I can't believe what im hearing. I rolled my eyes and stand by Stiles.
"The bus driver?",Allison asked.
"And the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And if we don't get out now, he's going to kill us, too",Scott told them.

Sorry it is short or at least to me it is. I still have school so its kinda hard to chapters everyday so its every two to three days. Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. Also, I'm sorry for any mispells or something. I do some editing later.

I thought this was funny

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I thought this was funny.😂

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