Chapter 12

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Tuesday 26th February 1963

I swear if Bobby phones me one more time this week during the night I will hit him. I don’t get enough sleep as it is but he just seems to want to make me grumpy. Maybe it’s because his tribe of children keep him awake to all hours.

Jack was sitting in the oval with his head on his desk, nearly asleep. Between Jackie who couldn’t sleep due to her pregnancy and Bobby phoning at all hours he was getting ready to snap at people.

He had just dozed off when Mrs. Lincoln knocked on the door. “Mr. President?” She called. When there was no response she went in to find him asleep. “Sir?”

He jumped awake. “What?” He groaned rubbing his eyes.

“The Attorney General wishes to speak to you.”

“Tell him to go to hell, I’m busy.”

“I would Sir, but he’s standing right outside the door and has heard every word of this conversation.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “Send him in.”

Mrs. Lincoln left and Bobby came in and flopped down on to the sofa. “Did you not want to see your favourite brother?”

“Oh if Ted’s here that’s okay.” Jack replied.

Bobby growled. He hated being teased. “Anyway, I’m here on business.”

“What is it?” Jack yawned.

Bobby started on about the Mafia and then somehow switching the subject to the civil rights movement. “Bobby?” Jack asked.


“Shut the hell up.”

Bobby glared at him. “Why are you so cranky all the damn time?”

Jack sighed and got up. “Well I have you, two hyper children, people threatening to blow up my country, a pregnant wife who can’t sleep and…..” Jack suddenly stopped, he realised what he’d just said.

Bobby’s jaw dropped. “Jackie’s pregnant?”

Jack turned awkwardly to face his brother. He nodded timidly.

Bobby smiled and got up to hug his brother. “Congratulations.”

Jack nodded. “Thanks, but please don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t Jack, pass on my congratulations to Jackie.”

“I will, if you stop phoning me in the middle of the night!” Jack said half laughing, half being serious.

He grinned. “Okay.”

Well, today didn’t exactly go to plan. Bobby now knows about the baby. As long as he doesn’t tell anyone I’ll be happy. This is our miracle baby; I don’t want anything to happen to it, especially after Arabella.

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