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The next morning Anakin found himself in the middle of the Jedi high coucil chamber, listening to arguing coucil members, hoping he would stand still, not snap at them to shut up and find a soluction or fall asleep right there and then out of absolut bordem. He would rather sit in the garden and play with Luke and Leia or training with them. But No! He left his twins with Ahsoka and was forced to listen to coucil members, who just wouldn't shut up. Right now they discusted how to confroned the Chancoller. A few of them wanted to do it in public others in privat and others still doubed Luke's story and that made Anakin pretty mad. ,,If we do it in public, he can't later claim things were different as in reality'', said Master Kip-Fisto. ,,Yes that's true but he could also hurt other people, innocent people'', replied Master Ploo-Kon. ,,How do we even know that the boy spoke the truth?'' one of them asked. Anakin really didn't care who. He wanted to snap and scream at that person but the voice of Master Joda stopped him: ,,The truth the child says, feel it I can now, feel the hate and anger come from Palpetines office it comes. The truth young Skywalker says, a Sith Lord the Chancoller is.'' Anakin breath heavily, this was close but now he felt better. ,,If I may suggest something'', Anakin asked, Joda nodded and he continued. ,,What about surrounding him but in a way he doesn't notice it at first. Then we can arrest him publicly and tell the people about his crimes. Then he has no other choice but to surrender or show his true colors. The members og the council nodded in agreement. ,,Meditade on this I will but your plan good it is'', Master Joda said, ,,dismissed you are young Skywalker.'' Anakin gave a respectful nod and left the room, the moment he was outside of the chambers he breathed much more freely. He spend the rest of the day with Ahsoka and his twin children, they were fighting, training and playing around. In the evening the twins fell into there beds and sleeped deep and save. In the meantime, in Palpetines office, the secret Sith Lord stood and watched the streets off Corucsant. The Sith smiled evily, his plans had developed perfectly, soon the young Skywalker would be his apprentice. But those twins were a dorn in his side. The Sith Lord had learned rather quickly of the two children who seemed have fallen throught time. He had felt the distorbance in the force when they arrived and the power they brought with them. Both had much potential but the boy's presents was way to bright for his delight. Palpentine had been shocked when he learned about their parentage. Who had thought Anakin would really do it, two little Skywalkers! They drove their father away from the darkness and into the light, what really annoyed Sidious. And if this had not be enought, the Jedi order didn't kick Anakin out and he had started to train the children. With every passing minut those kids became a bigger problem, especially the boy. He was as powerful as his father but much purer, so innocent, loving and brave. Luke wasn't full of hatred, fear, anger or pride. The boy's present in the force was like a big, warm light, like the Sith never felt it before. ,,But there is always a way to but out a light, no matter how bright'', Palpetine thought, smiling evily. Not the girl or her brother would stop him! Anakin would fall sooner or later and if not through the death of his wife, then mabye through the childrens. ,,Try your luck, little ones'', the Sith giggled like a madman. Soon Anakin Skywalker and his soul would belong to him, nothing could stop that anymore. What a fun it will be to murder the children and see Anakin suffer the pain of losing them, which would last forever.

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