powerful, little troublemakers

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Anakin was forious! He moved forwards in order to grab the boy and show him some respect. But when he tried to touch him, the Jedi knight was one again pushed backwards. This time by a force bubbel the boy had created. ,,Anakin mabye we should calm down", said Obi-wan trying to make his former padawan relax. ,,He is only protecting the girl and they are scared and confused.'' Anakin breathed slowly, hopping it would calm him down. ,,You're right'', he sat down and looked at the children. The girl was fast asleep, laying on the boy's sholder. They seemed to be very close. He had blond hair, shiny blue eyes and to Anakin's suprise, the boy reminded him of himself. The girl on the other hand looked completly diffrent, she had long brown hair, he had seen her brown eyes an she kind of looked like Padme. The children looked exactly like he had imagand his own kids if he should ever have some. He reached out in the force and once again scaned the children. They were trained, it was strange. He could feel how strong they were but no other youngling could do the things they did. As he contiued, Anakin noticed, that the boys strange started to leave him. No wonder a force bubble wasn't meant for so long. After another five minutes Anakin decieded to push the boy over the edge, so he force pushed against the bubble. Shocked and scared the child tried even harder but Obi-wan had noticed what he was doing and joined him and also force pushed the bubble. And finally it disappeared. The boy was on his knees, very exhausted but still awake. Fearful blue eyes watched the two Jedi coming closer. Luke knew there was no escape. There was no where to run and even if he force pushed them back, he would fell onconcious. Then his sister and he would be at those strangers mercy even more. So he tried the only thing that came to his mind, to at least save his beloved sister. ,,Please'', he pleaded, ,,do what ever you wish with me, I won't fight you but please, I beg you, by the force I beg you, spare her, spare my sister. Please I'll do as you ask but she is all I have, please leave her alone." ,,Oh how adorable'', snored Dooku, who was quiet for the time of the twins beeing at the cell. ,,A true Jedi, really how noble of your, child'' Luke glared at him for a moment before he focust his attention once more on the men who claimed to be his ex-master and dead father. Coriouse he looked up to them ,,So?'' he asked. ,,Ok here is the deal'' Anakin said, ,,no more force bubbles, force pushes and you will answer all of our questions and do what ever we say. When you play nicely and answer everything, no harm will come to you or your so beloved sister.'' The Jedi knew, what he was doing was wrong but he had a lot of fun with it.

520 Words

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