Chapter 14

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There's a little bit of a time skip
Deku's Pov
I started going to therapy once a week. I've been going for a few weeks. It's starting to help. It's going to be a long process. My therapist is really good. She is helping me work through my self-esteem issues, the previous bullying, and my anxiety. Kacchan is happy that it is helping. I'm in my 5th therapy appointment now. It's almost over.

"So next week, I want to talk about bringing your boyfriend in." She declares. I gasp.
"What! Why?" I ask. If I was drinking water, it would have been spit out.
"I'm glad you asked. I know you forgive him for the past, but we need to talk about what he did to you." She expresses.
"Um.. ok. I'll tell him." I noted.

After she told me about Kacchan coming in, we finished up and I left. I don't know how Kacchan is going to take this news. He said he wants to help me. I just don't want him to get upset with me. Hey! He cares about me. He won't be upset. I don't want to open up a can of worms with him though. I don't want him to feel guilty. He already does. I'm walking to Kacchan's house now. We always hang out after my therapy.

"Hey baby! Come up to my room!" I hear Kacchan shout from his window.
"Coming!" I shout back. I run into his house and up the stairs. 
"Hi!" I say as I kiss him on the cheek.
"Hey. How was therapy?" He asks.
"Good. Actually... there is something I wanted to tell you." I hesitate.
"Tell me anything. Go." He firmly states.

Bakugo's Pov
What does he need to tell me? I have no idea. Whatever it is, we're in this together.
"Um... my therapist w-wants you to c-come with me... n-next session." He twiddles his fingers.
"That's it! Don't get so worked up. Of course I'll come." I said. I'm surprised he got so nervous. Actually I'm not. It's Izu for goodness sake. He interjects my surprise with more surprise.
"T-there's more... w-we h-have to ta-talk about... mi-middle sch-school and... stuff." He gets progressively more nervous.

Oh. That's why he's so nervous. He starts mumbling, I interrupt, "It's going to be hard, but I have to face my actions. I know that you forgive me, but I still betrayed and bullied you. I messed up. You need to be helped. I'll do anything to help." I kind of ranted.

He gives me a big hug, "Thank you. You're the best boyfriend anyone could ask for!"
"Tch. Of course I am. I'm always the best." I respond. My heart flutters as he giggles.

Time skip to next therapy session~

I'm driving us to Izu's therapist's office. He still seems on edge. I squeeze his hand for reassurance. He takes a deep breath and squeezes my hand back. It was an almost silent car ride with quiet jazz music coming from the radio. We get to the office and walk in holding hands. I wasn't a sap before I got together with him. Now I'm just a sappy mess. We wait in the waiting room for like 10 minutes.

"Izuku Midoriya, Dr. Kelley is ready for you." Someone comes into the waiting room. We nod and get up to go to the room. Izu leads me to, I guess, the usual room. The room looks nice. There is a light grey couch with blue and white pillows, a blue chair -that the therapist was sitting on- and a small coffee table in between the two. It was a nicely lit room and it felt cozy.

"Hi Izuku. This must be your boyfriend, Katsuki." She looks towards me. She has a very soothing voice, I notice right away.

"Hi, Dr. Kelley." Izu greets.
I reach out my hand, "Nice to meet you."
She shakes it and nods.
Her voice evens, "So, let's jump right in. When did everything start?"
"About 6th grade." I bluntly reply.
The corner of her lips turn up, "Let me rephrase that, how did everything start?"
"Do you want me or Izu to talk?" I question.
"We are going to here both sides of the story. Why don't you tell your side first, Katsuki."
"Ok. First, we met in preschool and became best friends. We hung out a lot. We were obsessed with superheroes especially All Might. We stayed best friends until 6th grade. It was the first day of 6th grade. We weren't in the same first 4 classes. I made this new friend. His name was Kirishima." Everyone cringed at the name, "We still had recess in 6th grade, so at recess Izu came running up to me. He was so excited. He was telling me about how they were making a new All Might movie. My new friend said something about it being a loser thing. I saw a flash of shock across his face. He tried to defend All Might. Then I told him it was a loser thing. Then we bullied him until I apologized a few months ago." It felt good to let that out.

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