Chapter 10

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Tw: Panic attack⚠️⚠️
Bakugo's Pov
After last night I thought about telling a teacher or someone about yesterday. We could get them kicked off the football team and suspended. I'm going to suggest that to Deku. I get ready and hop in my car to pick up Deku for school. My mom yelled at me last night cause I skipped half of school. I'm not grounded cause she was happy I helped the "little cute boy." Her words, not mine. I pull up to his driveway and he walks out slower than usual. It's probably his injuries.
"Hi Kacchan!" He says enthusiastically.
"Hey." I state blandly.
"So I was thinking. Do you want to tell someone about yesterday?" I ask.
"Um... I d-don't think w-we should." He says nervously.
"Why not?" I ask.
"It's j-just wh-what i-if they g-get mad an-and um... beat m-me up ag-again?" He questions.
"I won't let that happen. I promise. They'll get suspended and kicked off the football team." I tell him.
Panic attack start⚠️⚠️
"Wh-what if th-they g-get y-you in trouble? Would you be mad at me? You'd probably hate me. I'm sorry! I shouldn't have dragged you into this." His breath quickens. "It's completely my fault. I shouldn't have followed them. I'm so useless. Pathetic." He is going into another panic attack. He starts playing with his sleeve and chewing on his hoodie string. He keeps mumbling terrible stuff about himself.
"Hey. It's ok. Focus on my voice. You'll be fine. It will end. I promise I would never be mad at you. Breathe with me. In and out." We start taking deep slow breaths. "For one I think your wrong. You are amazing. Don't say such bad things about yourself." I try to calm him down.
"It's fine. I'm fine. I'm sorry." He starts crying.
I go to hug him, but he winces. Still injured.
Panic attack over⚠️⚠️
"Sorry forgot how banged up you were." I apologize.
"Also, don't apologize for a panic attack. You can't help it." I tell him.
"Sor- I mean ok." He almost apologizes again.
"You think you can make it to school?" I ask sweetly.
"Yeah. Yeah. I will." He tries to convince me and I think, himself. He wipes his tears and cleans his glasses.
"Let's just get to school." He tells me.

Time skip to guidance counselor office~ (around 4th period) Bakugo's Pov
So Deku and I are sitting in the Guidence counselor's office waiting to tell her what happened.
"Boys, what brings you here today?" Mrs. Reynolds asks in a professional-ish tone.
"W-we w-wanted to re-report some-something that ha-happened yes-yesterday." Deku looks down as he says that.
"Well If it has to do with the way your face looks right now it must be serious. What happened?" She says not trying to be rude.
Deku looks at me. He wants me to say it.
"Yesterday at around lunchtime, these three other guys beat him up." I told her. She looked shocked.
"Do you happen to know who it was?" She asks.
"Yeah. It was Kirishima, TetsuTetsu, and Monoma." I told her.
"Really. Those boys are in for trouble. As you may know we have a strict bullying policy. Has this happened before?" She asked.
"Yes, it's been happening since the 6th grade. I was a part of it to at one point. I apologized though and now am friends with him." She looked shocked.
"Well, it is good that you turned your behavior around, but I need to give you at least detentions for a week." She told me.
"That's reasonable. What about the others?" I ask.
"Well, to punish them we need to know exactly what happened and their side of the story." She looked at me concerned. I look at Deku, he looks like he is going to cry.
"Oh, sweetheart! I know this will be hard. Please tell me what happened." She turned to Deku.
"Once you say it, it'll be fixed." She tries to convince him to talk.
"No I-I c-can't."
"Would it be easier to write down?" She once again looks at Deku. He nods. "Let me get you some paper and a pen." She leaves the room to go get paper.
"See. It won't be so bad." I reassure him.
"You're in trouble now too." He says.
"I deserve it. Plus it's only a week. I'll be fine." I reassure him again. He nods. Mrs. Reynolds comes back. "Here you go sweetie." She hands him the paper and pen. It takes him a few minutes to write it all. He started tearing up in the middle. He calmed down though. Once he finished she dismissed us. She told us that she would call us back after the others tell there "side". So stupid. They don't deserve to tell their "side".

Mrs. Reynolds Pov (switching it up!)
After Midoriya and Bakugo told me what happened I called the 3 other boys to my office.
"Hello, boys. I would like you to explain to me what happened at lunch yesterday." I state firmly.
"Nothing." Monoma quickly responds, "It was like a normal day."
"The information I have says otherwise." I glare at them. "Now if you tell the truth, you'll be suspended for 3 days and benched on the football team for a month. If you don't, you'll be suspended for a week and be kicked off the team. Your choice."
"Fine. We beat up Deku." Kirishima tells me.
"Do you mean, Midoriya?" I ask.
"Yes ma'am." Kirishima replies.
"Well, you all will be suspended for a week and benched for two months."
"What!?" They all say in unison. "I thought you said..."
"I know what I said. It doesn't mean I was telling the truth." I grin.
"C'mon! That's not fair!" Kirishima growls.
"Was it fair to beat up an innocent kid?" I rhetorically ask. I call their parents to pick them up. Before Kirishima leaves, I tell him something. "When you get back from suspension, you will have detention for the whole time you're benched. Only you." He sighs and walks his way out to his parents. I don't like discrimatory behavior. I call Bakugo and Midoriya back to my office.
"We punished all three of them adequately. If they give you any trouble, come to me immediately." They both nod. I dismiss them again.
1073 words

Am I projecting onto Izuku? AbSoLUtElY nOt! Yes I definitely am. I didn't go into too much detail about the panic attack cause it's kind of hard to explain the feeling. If you've had one, you know. Bakugo is a bit ooc, but it's my story and I do what I want. Jk! Justice has been served. I wish I had a Guidence counselor like Mrs. Reynolds. She is da bomb! Also, I appreciate the reads, votes, and any comments. Thanks! Some cute romance fluff is going to be the next chapter. Look out for it! Bye, lovelies!

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