Chapter 8

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Deku's Pov
I got up at 7:00 today and Kacchan texted me.

So, he's picking me up, obviously

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So, he's picking me up, obviously. I wonder if he's going to talk to me at school. I hope! What will everyone else think? I don't want to ruin his reputation. I don't want to get more hurt or for him to get hurt. I need to stop worrying. Kacchan's going to be here soon.

Bakugo's Pov
I'm told Deku that I'm picking him up. I'm going to invite him to sit with me at lunch today. I'm also going to kick Sh#tty hair and Copycat out the second they make fun of him. If it's not bad enough to hurt Deku's feelings I won't. I showed up at Deku's house and honked the horn. He came running out and jumped in the car.
"Hi Kacchan!" He says right away.
"Sup." I say.
"Actually I have a question..." he starts.
"I might have an answer. Shoot." I say back.
"Are you going to acknowledge me at school? Cause it's fine if not. I understand. I don't want to hurt your reputation. I don't want to cause you problems. I'll just go back to the way it was before if you want......" he starts rambling nervously.
"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down. Of course I'll talk to you at school. Don't get all worried. I'll protect you from anyone. My reputation won't be hurt by you. So, chill." I try to reassure him.
"Sorry i didn't mean to ramble. Just anxiety."
"Don't apologize." I quickly say.
"Sorr-I mean ok." He tells me quietly.

The rest of the ride was silent, but not awkward. We got to school and immediately we were surrounded by my extras.
"Are you friends with him now, Bakugo?" Monoma snarkily questions.
"Yeah, and?" I retort.
"He's just such a loser. Why would you trade us for him?" Sh#tty hair mockingly states.
"He is a way better friend then you will ever be. Now excuse me, but we need to get to 1st period." I tell them and get out of the car.
Deku gets out of the car and quickly gets to my side.
"Thanks Kacchan." He says.
"I told you it would be fine." I said. We walked to class together.

Time skip to lunch~ Deku's Pov
Kacchan asked me to sit with him at lunch. I'm nervous. I stumble into the cafeteria and walk over to Kacchan's table. I'm fidgeting with my hands and looking at my feet. (Social anxiety things 😙✌️)
Kacchan calls me over, "Deku, come over here!"
I rush over and almost trip, but I didn't. I go sit next to Kacchan. This might not be terrible. Except one thing. Monoma is sat across from Kacchan. Kirishima is sat next to Monoma. TetsuTetsu is on the other side of Monoma. The rest of the football team is sat in other spots around the table. There's also a cheerleader with pink hair. I don't know her name. Most of them are talking and laughing. A lot of them go silent the second I sit down. I feel really awkward and anxious. I'm not the best with people. I decide I should say something.

"H-hi." I fake a smile.
"I think you've got the wrong table. The loser table's that way." Monoma points to where I usually sit.
"Actually, I think you've got the wrong table. Go sit somewhere else. We don't want to listen to your BS." Kacchan pipes in protectively.
"Ugh, you really have changed. I can't believe this!" Kirishima adds in.

With that, Monoma, Kirishima, and TetsuTetsu get up and leave the table. I don't know or care where they went. The rest of the team who weren't complete jerks, but still had their moments apologized. Despite the fact that I had nothing in common with them, they were all cool. It was boring for me though and still kind awkward. I'm just awkward with most people. (Same tho) I might sit with them sometimes but not all of the time. Kacchan introduced me to the pink-haired girl and her name is Mina. She was super nice and energetic. She wants me to meet the rest of the cheerleaders, even though I've met some of them. It was all and all not a terrible experience.

Time skip to after school~ Bakugo's Pov
I told Deku that I wanted to pick him up from school. So here we are sitting in my car. I want to ask him if I should stop calling him Deku. It's gonna be weird though.
"Are you ok with me still calling you Deku?" I ask hesitantly.
"Yeah. It doesn't have to mean useless anymore. It'd be weird if you called me something else. If I'm having a panic attack, call me Izuku because Deku could make it worse." He says as sweet as always.
"Sure can do." I calmly state.

Our ride quickly came to stop when I dropped him off at his house. I drove around the block to my house. Once I got in my house I just went up to room to mindlessly scroll through instagram. There's a few, but not many posts of Deku falling last week. My heart feels pretty guilty. Even if it wasn't my fault I made it worse. Then I come across Sh#tty hair's page and it's a picture of me and him smirking with Deku's vandalized locker. Ugh. More guilt. I decide to exit instagram. I watch stupid YouTube videos til I fall asleep.

Deku's Pov
After Kacchan dropped me off, I got bored so I watched YouTube and read some comics. I heard a ping from my phone. I grabbed it and saw a text.

 I grabbed it and saw a text

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I didn't respond. I didn't know how to. I'm not gonna tell Kacchan. He'll hurt him and I don't want anyone hurt. He's right Kacchan won't want to be friends with me. I try to just get sleep instead of worry. I tried. I stayed up almost all night worrying and overthinking. I only got like an hour of sleep.
1016 words

Kinda cliffhanger. Not really though. Hope you're enjoying the story so far! It is really fun to write. Don't worry Bakugo and Deku will get together soon. I just don't know when yet. See ya later if  anyone who's reading this!

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