Chapter 13

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Deku's Pov
After Kacchan leaves I can't help it, I start breaking down. I know I should be happy. I just feel pathetic. Kirishima was right about everything. I can't do anything right. I'm being such a burden. I can't help but feel horrible. It's my own fault anyway. I feel like an absolute disappointment. I really am disaster Deku. That's all I will ever be. I start sobbing. I cry until I fall asleep.

Time skip~
I wake up with a tear stained face. I get up to get ready for school. Kacchan picks me up, as usual. I fake smile. He smiles back.
"Mornin' baby." He says.
"Mornin'." I fake smile again.
He kind of looked unsettled. That's probably because he doesn't want to be around a disappointment.

Bakugo's Pov (I can't write well in Deku's Pov)
This morning Izu looked different. His smile looked fake. I could see it wasn't genuine from a mile away. He might be shaken up from yesterday. Things will get better from now on though. I hope he feels better by lunch.
There's the bell. Time to head to lunch. I see Izu sitting with the girls. He's once again faking his smile. Why? I have to ask him after school. I decide to give him space for now. Every few minutes I look forward towards my beautiful boyfriend. He looks like he is barely holding himself together. He's tapping his foot, anxiously, looking down, fidgeting with his ear and hair. That's it! I'm going to get him. I get up and start walking over there.
"Yo dude! Where are you going?" Dunce calls.
I can't ignore his call. I go to the girls' table.
"Hey guys. I'm going to steal Izu for a sec." I say as I grab his shoulders and he looks at me.
Mina responds, "Oh! That's fine."

Before anyone can say anything else we're already in the hall.
"Th-thanks f-for get-getting me." Izu looks down.
"It's my job. What is up?" I look at him, sweetly.
"I-it's no-nothing. J-just a-anxiousness." He tries to smile.
"That's a blatant lie. What is wrong? I'm not asking again." I tap my foot impatiently.
"I-I'm so-sorry. I just... um.. f-feel s-so p-pathetic." He mumbled. He starts getting louder, "I'm sorry such a burden. I should be happy, but I'm not." He starts sobbing.

"You are not a burden. It's ok not to to be ok. You don't have to be happy. Never try to hide stuff like this to me. You are beautiful, kind, caring, sweet, compassionate, and so much more." I start to whisper sweet reassurances in his ear. After he calms down we get up to go back to lunch. It's almost over anyway.
"I think you should go to therapy or something." I suggest.
"Yeah you're right." He confesses.
484 words

Short, unedited chapter. I didn't have time to write today. Shocking! It's kind of crappy, I know. Our bean will go to therapy. Bye lovelies!

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