Chapter 11

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Deku's Pov (finally)
It's Thursday today and Kacchan is on his way to pick me up for school. I slowly walk outside. I'm still pretty messed up from Monday.
"Hi Kacchan!" I exclaim.
"Hi." He said back.
We listen to music the whole ride to school. The 3 bozos, as Kacchan calls them, are still suspended. They come back to school next Wednesday. I'm not going to worry about it right now. Kacchan and I walk to class together.

Time skip to lunch~
I'm going to sit with Kacchan at lunch today. We decided on an every other day kind of thing. I sit at his table some days. Then I sit by myself some days. I'm not the best at socializing. Kacchan respects that. It's really nice of him to do that.
"Hey Deku!" One of my new friends, Uraraka calls out. I let them all call me Deku. I'm fine with it.
"H-hi Uraraka!" I stutter. I'm still super nervous around them. We chat for a bit. Kacchan comes over to sit next to me.
"Hey. Can we talk out in the hall for a minute?" He asks. He looks kind of nervous. Oh no! He's going to tell me that he doesn't actually like me. That this is all some sick joke. No he wouldn't do that, would he?
I gulp, "O-of course, K-Kacchan." I follow him to the hall, fidgeting slightly.
"Um.. I like, really like you. Like, like-like you. Do you, maybe want to go out with me on Saturday?" He blushes nervously.
Oh my gosh! He likes me.
"Yes! Of course I would. You didn't have to get so nervous. Who am I to turn a guy like you down?" I said.
"Really! Sweet." He cheers.
"Where are we going to go?" I ask.
"It's a surprise." Kacchan teases.

Time skip to Saturday~ Bakugo's Pov
It's 2 o'clock and I'm going to go pick up the nerd at 2:30. I'm taking him to a park and I set up a picnic. There's more! You'll have to wait though! (Sero we need you! The fourth wall has been broken again.) I have to finish getting ready. After I showered, I did my hair, brushed by teeth, put on deodorant, and went to find a good outfit. I picked 3 different ones. The first one was a black t-shirt with a denim jacket and casual pants. The second one was a white shirt underneath my letterman jacket and ripped jeans. Only rips at the knee. The last one was a red sweatshirt with adidas pants. The ones with the stripes down the side. I picked the last one and wore white sneakers with it. I'm finally ready. I got to go pick up Deku now. I grab the rose I bought after school yesterday and head out.

I get to Deku's door and hesitate. I knock. Ms. Inko answers the door.
"Oh! Hi Katsuki! Izuku should be ready in a minute." She greeted me.
"Izu sweetheart, Katsuki is here." She yelled upstairs.
"I'll be there in a minute." He yelled back.
Inko turns to me and her smile fades.
"I know we have already met, but if you hurt my baby I will hurt you. Understand?" She scarily states.
"Yes ma'am." I gulp. She's scary.
Her face turns to a smile again, "Good. Now I hope you guys have fun!"
Deku comes downstairs after another second. He looks adorable. He has a shirt like this:

 He has a shirt like this:

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And some black jeans. The green compliments his hair and eyes. It looks adorable.
"You look nice." I complimented.
"You do to, Kacchan!" He smiles widely.
"Ok, boys be back by at least 10 o'clock sharp." Inko gives me a firm look. I nod.
"Mom, stop you're scaring him." Deku pleads.
"Oh c'mon! You're all grown up! Well, have fun you two." She bids us farewell.

I open the door for Deku. He giggles and hops in the car.
"So, where are we going?" Deku practically jumps up and down.
"I told you. It's a surprise." I answer.
"Just tell me! Please!" He gives me puppy eyes. I shield my eyes, "You know I can't resist the puppy eyes!" I exclaim.
"Fine, we're going to have an picnic and do some other things." I spill part of the surprise.
"What other things?" His curiosity is obviously bugging him.
"You'll find out soon enough." I state.

We pull up to the picnic blanket that I had set up earlier. Deku runs to it and sits down. I got all of his favorite snacks and drinks. I also made Katsudon, his favorite food.
"Thanks Kacchan! You got all my favorites." He smiles so wide again. He's like a little kid.
"What can I say? I know you well." I said.
I feel so happy right now. He just lights up my life. I start eating some food and drinking Dr. Pepper even though I hate it. I'll only drink that stuff for him.
"Kacchan, why are you drinking Dr. Pepper? You hate it!" He softly giggles.
"Cause you like it." I say while gagging.
"Just because I like it doesn't mean you have to like it." He tells me.
"Good. I was getting worried I would have to drink that stuff forever. How do you like that?" I ask.
"It's just really good. I don't know." He giggles again. That giggle gives me life. I stare into his eyes. I study his face. It's too cute.
"Has anyone ever told you how adorable you are?" I ask, still staring. He blushes.
"N-not until y-you d-did." He runs his hand through his hair.
"Well you really are." I blush. I shouldn't have said that. We both look away from each other. Then look back and laugh. This is so much fun.
"We should finish eating, I've got other things planned." With that, we finish eating and clean up the picnic.

We took a walk around the park. There was a small lake. Perfect. We watched the water and just talked for a bit. Nothing deep. Just talking. I suddenly leaned in to kiss him. Our faces got so close. I could feel the tension. His breath on mine. He is just so amazing. I can't believe this is happening. Our lips touch. It's like a magical world. It feels like fireworks. We pull apart.
We both look into each other's eyes.
"Th-that was..." Deku starts a sentence.
"Amazing." I finish.

Does this mean we take our relationship to the next level? I've never been in a real relationship. This wasn't part of the plan. I'm glad it happened though. It's about 5:00 now. Next part of the plan will start.
"Ok let's get going!" I tell Deku.
"What? Where are we going?" He asks, confused.
"To the bowling alley." We both smile.
"Yes! Can we get the curly fries there?" He cheers.
"Already planned on it." I mindlessly said.

After I let Deku win at bowling, we get back to the car.
"You have to face it! You didn't let me win! I won on my own." He pouts.
"Sure." I said sarcastically.
"I did win on my own! I beat you fair and square!" He pouts again.
"Didn't I say sure?" I teased.
"You were being sarcastic." He crosses his arms. Jesus, he's like a baby.
"Fine! I admit it you won by yourself." I regretfully admitted.
"Told ya'!" He smirks. This little devil.
"Oh, I'm gonna get'cha for that." I say as I start a tickle attack.
"Kacchan! Stop! This is a cruel attack!" He yells in between laughs. After I finish the "attack", Deku asks me if we were going home.
"Not yet. I've got one more thing up my sleeve."
"Kacchan, you've really spent enough money on me. Don't take me anywhere else." He begged.
"What? I don't care about money. This is free." I told him.
"Ok... Last thing?" He asks.
"Last thing."

I took him to a new spot to stargaze. It really looks beautiful. It's got trees everywhere and other plants. There's a perfect spot for us to lay. We go lay down and talk about stars. Deku knows a lot about stars for some reason. Of course. He's so smart. Deku looks tired. I'm not gonna lie I'm tired too.
"Thank you so much for today, Kacchan." Deku yawns.
"No, thank you for today." I yawned.
I really want to say 'I love you' but I don't want to freak him out.
"I love you, Kacchan." Deku surprises me.
"I love you too, nerd." I say back.
1442 words

Not fully edited cause I'm lazy. This was like multiple dates combined. We got all the goods. Soft bakugo, momma Inko, pouty Deku, and a little bit of a cringe kissing scene. The Dr. Pepper thing actually happened with my best(almost boy) friend. First 'I love you' moment. This is too fluffy to handle. 💞
Bye bye, lovelies!

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