Chapter 36

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The next morning Cáel was in his office, hands covering his face as Meg brought him some warm tea.

"Thank you", he said and Meg placed her hand reassuringly on his shoulder. His hand went on top of her and he raised his head to look at her, a smile on his lips. She smiled back, her blue eyes gentle and kind.

They seem to help him calm down and he kissed her hand.

"I can stay if you want"

"No, you have rehearsal. Go"

Meg gave him a kiss on the forehead and gracefully as a prima ballerina was, walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Cáel kept smiling and leaned back on his chair, the light from the candles started to play before dying; allowing the darkness to feel the room.

"You know Monsieur, there is no need for such fancy entrances when it is the two of us" the redhead said and his brown eyes looked left and right in an attempt to spot something that would give away the Phantom's position.

"I have to live up to my name" a voice was heard.

"Very well. You will excuse me then" Cáel said as he stood up and opened his drawer.

He grabbed a box with matches and opened one before light some of the candles, now giving a small illumination to the room. That along with the light of the grey sky from the window, allowed him to see the faint figure and white mask of the visitor.

"How long have you known?" Erik asked as he stood a little in front of his desk like a statue.

"That you and my sister are together? *Erik gives a faint nod* for quite some time. I first noticed the black rose and red ribbon that seem to appear after every show. That triggered Meg's stories about you and the time the Populaire had two very stupid owners; pardon my language"

"Quite alright. They were quite foolish indeed"

"I will be honest with you. I was worried at the beginning *sits on the chair and looks at Erik* However, I saw how happy she was after some time and I even saw a fire in her eyes, a fire I thought she had lost a long time ago. The only explanation behind it is that it happens when someone is in love, I have seen it more than enough times to recognize it. I suspected the count but then again, those two barely see each other and I have noticed how she tries to avoid him"

"Yes, he is a very persistent person. I honestly do not like it"

"Neither do I and I do have some potential future patrons. He causes trouble to my sister and he is a dead man"

Erik would give it to the Irish. He was as a very smart man; he had been watching everything and playing them like fools. He would never say it out loud but he had underestimated him a lot and if it were for someone else, he could be in trouble.

"I am surprised by how calm you have taken it. I will admit it, I didn't expect such a positive reaction from you"

"I told you before monsieur Phantom. You have proven to me that you are a gentle soul. You helped with the Opera, bring it back to its formal glory. You helped my sister, by showing the world the talent she was blessed with and never acknowledged. You became Keegan's first true friend. I see no reason why I shouldn't trust". With those words, Cáel stood up. Erik was about to say something but the Irish interrupted him before words could leave the phantom's mouth. "The past of someone never defines who he is today"

"Wise words," Erik said and assumed it was one of the many great examples and manners their grandfather must have taught them; according to Morgana's story. "Thank you, though. I do promise to take very good care of her"

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