Chapter 15

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Erik had woken up early as usual, only because his dreams have been vivid and revolved around one person... Morgana

After the dance, he had those dreams, acts and shows where his nightingale sang and performed. At the first night, he ignored them but then they came back and again and again, without him realizing it.

He was back at composing.

He took a break to roam the kitchens above and grab something to eat while making a mental note to go and buy supplies. He wasn't surprised to see the youngest of Farrell and his wild behaviour.

This little meeting proved useful as through his words he realized that Morgana would stay back which meant a perfect chance for him to meet with her again. This time, without interruptions since everyone else would come back after 12.

However, when he didn't spot her anywhere he realized that she was still sleeping. He had recalled that she came pretty late last night and by the way, she was dressed, he knew that she had to attend a sort of gathering.

Deciding to give her some time to sleep and since the time was only 8:30, he decided to give her some time and thus; he turned back to his new play that was still at the beginning.


After almost 2 hours, Erik stopped and left out a deep sigh. He was starting to have a musician's block and seeing that this would take him nowhere, he decided it was time for him to visit his inspiration.

It was ironic to him, how a woman made him such a great composer but also took that gift of his away. Now, another woman slowly helped him take that gift back but this time he had hopes that he wouldn't lose it again.

He missed composing and writing music. It was his way of escape, his one love and after the incident; he had lost each power to do what he wanted. His cloak moved along with him as he came out from a hidden corridor in a wall.

The wall moved out of the way and then went back to its original place once he had walked out. Then, by staying in the shadows, he made his way towards the stage where he hoped to find her there and indeed he did.

She was sitting at the edge of the scene, one leg up and petting the white terrier. Her red hair was brushed and let loose to fall on her back and as usual, she was dressed in the men clothing, she so much seemed to adore.

Making sure that they were alone, he came out of the shadows and stood a few feet behind her. A small movement of her body told him that she had sensed him and then Cu looked at him and he knew that his position was given officially away.

"We meet again monsieur Phantom,"

A smile graced his lips at the sound of her voice calling him like that. A way of showing respect but also her way of pronouncing the French word sounded like music to his ears.

"Indeed we do mademoiselle," he said but the girl kept her attention on the empty seats than on him, something that slightly displeased him, but then again, perhaps it was for the better since her eyes seemed to leave him quite speechless.

"And how are you this fine morning?"

"I am good myself. What about you?"

"I am also good. Already tired of rich people and their gossip" she said amused and Erik walked a little to the side so he could see her face from an angle and noticed the smirk on her rosy lips.

"Is this the reason why you avoided joining the rest to the mass?"

"No monsieur. I simply do not believe in that god of theirs. Do you?" she turned her head slightly and looked at him from the tip of her blue eye.

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now