Chapter 28

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Meg opened the door and she with Keegan walked in. The boy had been silent all the way and refused to reply to any of her answers. He also slowed down many times and Meg was certain he was in pain due to the hit.

Closing the door behind them, Keegan broke free from her and headed to his bed but she stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder and bending so they could be closer at height.

"I know you want to lie on your bed and not move, I truly do" she started as the boy looked at her and she was honest. There were times where she wanted to be alone, on the bed and just lay there for hours. "However, I need first to take off your shirt. It is stained with wine and I also need to check for any injuries" Her hand went to unbutton the rest of his shirt but she quickly grabbed her hand and held it away from him. Meg was shocked and looked at him who kept his gaze at the floor below him and only shook his head in a 'no' motion. "Keegan, you cannot sleep like that and I won't allow you"

The blond argued and tried again but Keegan simply pushed her hand away. Before she could question anything or even try again, Morgana entered the room. "I will take it on from here. Thank you very much, Meg" 

The head ballerina was about to protest but looking at the two of them understood it was a sibling thing. Leaving out a sigh, she left the room and closed the door behind her. She knelt next to him and stroked his hair.

"I am here now," she said, speaking as usual in Irish since they were the two of them. "I am here little fire" The boy seemed to relax and dropped his hands by his side. Getting the signal, Morgana went to his shirt and slowly took off his vest before opening the buttons of his shirt. She was about to pull it off his shoulder when he grabbed her hand. "There is no one here. It is just us. I promise you"

Her words seemed to soothe him as he let go of his hand and took off his shirt completely.


Erik was watching the whole ball from a safe distance. He could have joined if he wanted but he had decided not to. Plus, his nightingale was busy socializing. A smile graced his lips as she secretly gave three bottles of wine to a stagehand.

The smile turned into a chuckle as she made a face once tasting the wine. She was obviously not used to the taste of it and from the last time he was in Ireland he could remember how fond they were of beer.

He didn't doubt that she was the same. As she was approached by two women dressed in an expensive dressed, Erik let his gaze wander around the room before his eyes fall on Keegan. His eyes widened once he noticed that he was protecting a little girl, which he recognized as the count's niece, from two older boys.

He quickly and quietly as a shadow, walked closer to them from the higher level he was hiding and just in time he noticed how Keegan punched the older boy's jaw. He stopped dead on his track, not believing that the timid quiet boy had just punched someone.

First, it was Morgana and now it was him. Next should be Cáel but he already had him capable of getting into a fistfight if needed. The older boy stumbled back and Erik noticed the bruise forming on his skin but also the blood at the corner of his mouth.

Next thing he knew, the two boys attacked Keegan and sent him back on the table. As he pulled down the tablecloth, Erik wondered if he did it on purpose to draw the attention of adults or by mistake in his attempt to stand up.

Either way, it didn't matter. His vision only saw red as his hand went to Punjab on his waist, ready to hang those boys from the ceiling. However, adults quickly gathered around them and blocked his field of view.

Getting frustrated, he tried to change position and have a clear view but once he was there; Keegan had been taken away by Meg and Morgana was leaving as well. He looked at Cáel and Lucas as the two of them fixed the situation and he hoped for everyone's good that the two boys and that useless Diva mother to be punished accordingly.

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now