Chapter 20

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Two weeks of shows passed and Morgana couldn't be more relieved that the break was here. One week for them to relax before they go to the next production. She had almost forgotten about the promise she made to the count. Almost

Sitting in one of the red chairs of the audience, legs on top of the chair in front of her; she enjoyed her break. It was still early and she didn't feel like staying in bed any longer. Everyone else was asleep so she sat there and enjoyed the peace while also humming a song.

"Hello Morgana" a voice said from behind her and her blood ran cold as she lowered her legs and turned her head to look at the owner of the voice.

"Lucas" she greeted.

"How are you this morning?" he asked as he took a seat next to her.

"I am good and you?" she asked as politely as she could.

She was in no mood to talk to anyone, especially him of all people. It was damn too early and she was on her break, she had earned it.

"I am very good. I was wondering, does 8 sound good to you for tonight?"

"Excuse me?"

"You did say I could take you out for dinner once the production was over. Did you forget already?" he asked with an amused smile but Morgana felt that there was more behind it.

"Of course not. I was simply taken aback, you see it is quite early" she bit her bottom lip. She hadn't thought about this as much as she wanted. Heck, she hadn't even talked to Meg about it but she was still questioning if she should. "Yes, 8 sound perfect"

"Excellent. Now excuse me, mademoiselle. I have an errand to run" he said as he stood up but kissed her knuckles first. "I will see you tonight," he added and then left, leaving a shocked Morgana.

Once out of reach, she let out a deep groan and covered her face with her hands while leaning back on the chair.

"What is wrong Morgana?" Meg asked as she approached her friend.

Oh, where should she start?


8 o'clock sharp, Lucas was waiting for Morgana in front of a black carriage. He was dressed in a red shirt with black pants and a black coat, similar to his red-one but with reversed colours. At the same Morgana came from the Opera, wearing a simple blue dress with a second layer made of dark blue lace and the same material and colour was around her chest and at the end of her sleeves.

Her hair was half up in a bun and the rest was left down to fall on her back. She didn't really like to put effort when she dresses but she had to. She was dating a count after all and they were both known to the city of Paris so far.

As she walked down the stairs, she let the breath she was holding and noticed the count's eyes light at the sight of her.

"Morgana, you look stunning," he said as he kissed her hand again which she was tired of happening but then again, it was better than the cheek.

"Thank you. You look... fancy as well" she said and bit her inner cheek.

Fancy?! Really? Is this the best you could think of? Come on brain, you disappoint me.

Lucas gave a deep laugh.

He is laughing... why is he laughing? Oh no, did I mess it up already?

"After you Mademoiselle," he said and opened the door of the carriage.

Okay, he didn't say anything. *sigh of relief* that is good, now let's not mess it up again. She scolded her mind as she entered the carriage.

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