Chapter 35

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Antoinette walked down the steps to Erik's lair. She had been checking on him from times to times. However, today it was not the case. She must admit that she was surprised by the change he was in him but she couldn't help to smile.

Morgana was changing him for the better. He was composing, playing music and he was full of life. He was finally out of that whole he was years ago when Christine had left him. And for once, he was truly in love.

A true pure love that was returned to him by perhaps the kindest person she had met. She hadn't seen them together after the first time she caught them but she knew that Morgana was as happy as he was when they were together.

As she walked down the stairs and was approaching the corner of the cave, she stopped as she heard Morgana's voice.

"Don't you dare Erik!"

Her heart almost stopped beating in fear that Erik had lashed out. She quickly climbed down the steps, the candleholder on her hand shaking as she quickly ran into the lair only to stop at the scene in front of her.

Morgana and Erik were opposite from each other, a table between them. The redhead held a pair of scissors on her right hand which she had raised and ready to cut. Erik, on the other hand, was unarmed, a playful smirk on his face.

"Don't you know it is dangerous to run with scissors?", he joked as Morgana tried to ran at the right only for him to do the same, from his right, causing them to run a full circle around the table. "I see no reason why I need to cut my hair"

Giry didn't know what to believe anymore. The whole fight was simply the two of them messing around like kids over the subject of cutting Erik's hair. She did wonder if the redhead meant the wig or his real hair beneath it.

"Well I-", the Irish stopped mid-sentence as she spotted Ann standing at the entrance of the cave. "Madame Giry *lowers the scissors*"

"Antoinette?" Erik exclaimed as he turned to look at her.

"Seems like I am interrupting... something of importance," she said as she eyed the scissor on Morgana's hand and the said woman blushed a shade that almost matched her hair.

"What brings you here?" Erik asked.

"I am here for Morgana. A new rehearsal is to be held in about half an hour and new hours were added in order to practice and perfect the Acts in time"

"Oh" both of them explained as the female placed the scissors on the table.

"Come along dear. You have to change into costume"

"This is not over Erik," she said with a smirk as she descended down the steps.

"We will see about that" he replied with a smirk of his own as Giry placed her hand on Morgana's back and guided her out of the cave.

"Good to see you in such good moods Erik," the ballet mistress said and gave a nod of approval before continue walking, not missing the smile the Irish gave to the Phantom before turning the corner.


A few days later, Morgana was on her ballerina costume, trying a new choreography along with the rest of the ballet corps. She had just finished practising her Aria and the ballet mistress had suggested her to practice her dancing along with the team.

As all of them raised their legs up, to the point where the knee would be close to their face; Morgana glanced at the side where Keegan was mimicking them as usual. He had successfully lifted his leg up before start falling to the side.

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