Chapter 30

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Morgana and Nadir were walking down the streets of Paris. Their friendly dinner had ended a while ago and the two of them were in a contact talk; enjoying each other company. The Persian dressed in his exotic clothes and Morgana on a simple light blue dress with puffy shoulders and ¾ sleeves.

Part of her hair was held back by a clip and the rest were, as usual, free to fall on her back and move along with the wind.

"You are an interesting woman Morgana. I can see now why Erik had taken such interest in you"

Throughout their walk to the restaurant and while eating, the two of them discussed a little bit about each other and their past. Morgana, as usual, held things back but the Persian didn't even pressure her and respected her decision.

"He is far more interesting. I mean, now knowing who you were... I can only imagine the past you must have with Erik. All those adventures and who knows exactly what you two did"

"*chuckles* Indeed, however, I cannot tell you details even if I wanted since Erik is involved as well"

"I understand. I am planning, actually, to ask him myself one of the following days"

"I do not think he will tell you"

"Then I will drop the subject and wait for him until he is ready," she said as she looked at the starry sky while walking.

"You have a very kind and understanding heart Morgana"

"Well maybe because I didn't grow up surrounded by riches and arrogant people"

Laughter was heard from both of them as they kept walking slowly.

"That sounds very true; however, this dinner wasn't just to get to know you better"

"I realized that"

"Smart like he said... *smiles* I need you to be careful around him"

"I know about Christine, Nadir and I am well aware of what happened"

"I wasn't talking about Christine only... Erik is... he is a genius but every genius is... well, troubled. His emotions are what primary concerns me. He can get angry very easily and if he does... well... it is not a nice sight to see"

"I can imagine. Madame Giry even asked me if he had ever gotten angry with me... he hasn't and I doubt he will but if he does, I appreciate the warning. When and if It happens, I will deal with it"

"It is not a small outburst Morgana" he stops and so does she. "He could hurt you without realizing it"

"He can try and if he does, it won't change how I feel about him. All of us struggle with our demons and we can get physical... I, the other day, slapped our patron on my anger... and it might not be something extreme it is a sign that Erik's anger is a common thing"

"You are too kind sometimes that I am starting to worry about you and I just met you. Erik needs a woman like you by his side but until his heart is fully mended... just stay on your guard..."

"I promise I will if that will stop worrying you"

A smile appeared on his face as he started walking with her again. "It will definitely help me sleep better at night" he joked and the two of them laughed only for a figure to block their way.

"Hello, Morgana" the familiar voice said and caused shivers to run down her spine.

"Count Lucas" she greeted and gave a small bow but his eyes were not on her but on the Parisian next to her.

"I am Nadir Khan, an old acquaintance of Miss Farrell" he lied and gave a small bow himself.

"Oh, I see. An acquaintance... *turns to look at Morgana* I would like us to talk...and I was thinking over another dinner"

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