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Bakugou's POV

Todoroki won the sports feasible. Apparently he does have his father's quirk but that doesn't matter. I have a list of all the students I want to kill off. I didn't think Deku had a quirk but he's not on my kill list. He's the one who encouraged Todoroki to use his fire. Togo walked into my dark room. "So, who do I get to kill?" She asked as everyone else started popping there heads in. "No killing yet. Our spy has informed us about a training camp. It'll be the perfect time to strike." I replied as I got up holding my notebook. I walked over to Tomura and handed my notebook. He grabbed it with 4 figures.

"I'd like us to wait but if you don't trust me, we can go now." I said and he looked at the book before handing it to me. "Master trusts you and so do I. We'll wait." He said as I grabbed the book and started walking off. I walked outside of our base and started wandering the streets with my notebook, going over the names. I need to find all the addresses for all the students just in case my plan doesn't work. 

Suddenly somebody really tall violently bumped into me, hitting my scar as I fell to to the ground. My scar started burning really bad. "My bad." The guy laughed as I reached for my notebook. He stomped on my hand making me scream a little. "Move out of the way. I'm the next number 1 hero." He laughed as he squished my hand. I grabbed his leg before exploding his leg off. He screamed in pain as he fell to the floor, holding onto his leg. I slowly got up with my book in my hands as my scar burning. "People like you should just die. You don't deserve to be anywhere close to the title of hero." I yelled as I pointed my other hand at him. "No, please. I didn't mean it." He cried as I blow his body to pieces. 

Soon I heard the sirens of the police. "Surprising the hero's haven't shown up." I sighed. "Don't think you'll get off that easy because I am here." I heard All might yell from behind me. 'Crap. I don't want anyone knowing my true face. I pulled my hoodie up over my head and moved my hair to cover my eyes but mostly my scar that burned. "How dare you do something like this to a civilian." He said witch ticked me off. Fucken All Might is standing behind me and he might discover that I'm a villain. The dark shadows that I've been hiding in are about to be lit up. "Sorry, I shouldn't have acted this way. There's no excuse for killing someone, just keep in mind that he attacked my first. It was self-defense." I lied and tried changing the tone of my voice.

"All right young man, but that doesn't excuse you from doing this. Turn around slowly and come with me." He said and I could hear his foot steps coming closer. "I can't do that or I'll die. There's a lot of people after my head including some bad cops. I can't go home until I'm safe or I'll endanger them." I lied as I started walking. "It doesn't matter, you will come with me. Willing or not." He said but his foot steps stopped. "He'll be coming with us." I heard Tomura say and I looked at little to see the whole league of Villains except Kurogiri. I started running. "Stop, I'll never join you." I yelled and ran behind the corner of the building where I saw Kurogiri. 

"You really like playing the victims." Kurogiri said as he made a portal. I took off my hoodie and moved my hair. "Hell yeah." I said and I winced at the pain my scar was causing. "I need an ice pack." I groaned as I walked into the portal that lead me strait to the bar. Soon everyone was back and Tomura started criticizing me as I went through a whole bunch of ice packs trying to get my scar to stop burning.

"Bakugou." I heard master say over the tv and I looked over. "What?" I asked. "Did you have fun?" He asked as a big grin appeared on my face. "Hell ya." I yelled before wincing at my scare hurting more. "We need to get that scar under control. We don't want to be in the middle of the battle and the pain becomes unbearable." Master said as I brushed my figures against the scar causing my face to burn. "Got it." I replied before I got up and left. I got home to my apartment.

I laid down on my bed. my scar started burring like crazy. I quickly got up and ran to my freezer before pulling out a bunch of ice packs. I went back to my room and laid down before putting an ice pack on my scar. Nothing seems to cool it of completely. I've always been in pain except when Todoroki helps me. I have a slight obsession with him because of this. Todoroki probable forgot all about me. He's becoming a hero so he doesn't have time to remember all the people he meets. I closed my eyes as I fell to a dark slumber. 

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