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Todoroki's POV

I pulled off my shirt to feel the air hit my back. "Hurry and change everyone. The longer we take the less time we have to train." I could hear Iida instructing everyone. I opened my locker before neatly hanging my clothes up. I pulled out my hero costume before I started putting it on. I turned my head to see all the guys changing into their hero costumes. Although Mineta seemed more interested in carving out a little hole in the wall to the girl's locker room. Iida quickly stopped it.

I looked around to see Bakugou wasn't in the room. He must not want to do the training exercise. He hasn't seemed interested in the hero course classes since he got here. I know he's here cause he's the league of villains target and here he can be protected but still. He should show little interest. This is the best hero school. 

"Todoroki. Let's go." Iida shouted as I snapped out of my thought. I saw everyone was already leaving. "Coming." I spoke before I walked towards him. I was walking through the halls before Midoriya walked over to me. "Hey, Todoroki. You seem to be distracted. Is there something on your mind?" Midoriya asked. "No." I lied. I'm just wondering how I can make school more enjoyable for Bakugou. I want him to feel comfortable.

We walked into the training arena. My eyes laid on Bakugou standing close to All Might. What was surprising was the outfit he wore. "Wow, Kacchan. You're wearing a hero costume." Midoriya's eyes lit up. "Nice Bakugou." Denki spoke. "How manly." Kirishima approved. "Wait, are those grenades?" Mina questioned. Everyone was now surrounding Bakugou and admiring/asking questions about his costume. Bakugou was getting mad at the attention. "Back off. I'm not some model you can stare at." He shouted loudly. The aggression he gave off made the class back away from him. Even though Bakugou is wearing a hero costume, he isn't removing the bandages. 

"Alright, class." All might take the center of attention. "Shall we get started?" The man asked. "Yeah." They all cheered. They all started to walk with All might. "Bakugou." I called out the boy's name. He turned his head to look at me. I walked over to him. "If you need help, just let me know." I spoke as I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Like I need your help." He scoffed before hitting my hand away. He started to walk towards All might with the others. 

Bakugou's POV

I was walking through the dorms. "Good job out there Bakugou." I heard the class rep praise me. "Yeah, You were so cool out there with all the explosions." Mina started making explosion noises as she mimicked my explosions with her hands. "You're doing it all wrong. You have to throw you fist out more." I shouted at the girl. "You were so cool out their man." I heard the shitty hair say. "Yeah whatever." I growled. He was a hard opponent because of his hardening quirk but I easily beat him. 

"Bakugou." I heard my name get called. "What!" I turned towards the person who called my name to see Todoroki. "You did amazing out there." Todoroki praised me. My heart felt a little tight. Todoroki's praising me felt better than anyone else praising me. I turned my head away from them. "It's nothing to praise me over. You're all just weak." I spoke before I turned towards the elevator. 

"Bakugou, where are you going? Dontcha want to have dinner with us?" Mina whined. "I'm not hungry." I started before walking through the hall. I got into the elevator before closing it. I leaned against the back of the moving box before laying my hand on my bandages. It feels nice. Being praised by Todoroki. I'm scared when Todoroki learns the truth about me, he'll hate me. The door opened before my eyes laid on familiar green hair. 

I saw Deku standing in front of the elevator doors. "Oh, Kacchan." the boy seemed happy to see me. "Move." I growled. Deku quickly moved out of the way before I started walking past him. "You are really strong Kacchan." I heard the boy say as I passed him. "Whatever." I left the boy alone. I walked over to my dorm room before opening it. I walked in before dropping my school bag on the floor. 

"I'm getting real sick hanging around all the fake heroes." I mumbled under my breath before I dropped on my bed. I laid my head down on the pillow. I slowly started to close my eyes. I'm exhausted. Suddenly I heard my phone going off. Someone's calling me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket before seeing an unknown number. 

I answered it before pulling my phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked. "Bakugou." My eyes widened as I heard the voice of the boss call my name. "All for one?" I was surprised. "Bakugou. I don't have much time, so listen to what I'm about to say." The man on the phone spoke. I sat up. "I'm listening." I spoke. 

"I know you wont like this but I'm putting Shigaraki in charge." I heard the man said. "Why would you put a child in charge? What's going on?" I started questioning. Is something wrong? "Shigaraki needs alley's. I know you have never gotten along with him, but can you promise me that you'll stay by his side." The master asked. I clenched my fist. "I don't know what's going on, or why you're telling me this but I won't argue. I'll stay by Shigaraki's side." I promised. 

"Thank you. Shigaraki is gonna face a lot of trials in the future. I'm confident with you there Shigaraki can accomplish anything he puts his mind to." I heard the boss say. "Now tell me what's going on." I shouted at the phone. "You'll see very soon." The man spoke before I heard him hang up on me. 

"BAKUGOU!!!" I heard someone pound on my door. I got off my bed before walking over to the door. I opened it before seeing Iida standing there. "There's an emergency. Go downstairs." He seemed panicked. "What's going on?" I wondered.  

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