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Bakugou's POV

I watched as students individually tried the training exercise but most of them were failing. It was funny to watch these wannabes heros. I watched Todoroki step forward before the timer started. Suddenly the whole pool was frozen before Todoroki slided through the whole thing. He stopped once he got to All Might before Todoroki helped All Might out. "You're the last one." The red spiky hair said as everyone looked at me. 

"I'd rather not." I stated as Todoroki started melting the ice. "Why not." The Pink Alien shouted. "Yeah, we all had to do it." The purple pervert yelled as I watched All Might walk over to us. "Good job today students. You all worked hard." All Might started praising them. "All Might. Why doesn't the new kid have to do anything?" Students complained. "Well, it's cause he's still injured." All Might started before I interrupted. "No, it's cause I'm better than all of you." I stated as I stood up.

"What did you just say?" Some got angry. "Hold on here, young Bakugou." All Might started. "You heard me. I'm just better than all of you. I don't need to do something only extras would do." I stated as I turned around and started walking away. I could hear some students shouting as I got further away. I walked into the dorms before making my way to my dorm. "You wont make any friends if you're mean like that." I heard Todoroki's cold voice before I paused. "I don't need friends." I stated as I opened my door. I walked in before shutting and locking the door. "I don't need anyone. I don't need friends. I will protect you Todoroki and I will kill all the fake heros." I promised myself. 

Todoroki's POV

I walked down into the loft to see Bakugou sitting on the couch as a couple of students were yelling at him but he seemed to be ignoring them. "Hey, are you even listening?" Mina shouted. "Not one bit." Bakugou answered as he scrolled through his phone. "You're so rude." She shouted. "Yeah, what a jerk." Denki huffed. "You should just go die." Mineta shouted. I saw Bakugou's hand start to get little sparkes. Is he going to attack the others? He started to lift his hand before pausing. He lowered his hand before placing it on his face. 

"What's wrong with you?" Mina shouted. His scar must be acting up again. I walked behind him before hugging Bakugou. I placed my hand on Bakugou's bandage before icing it. "I didn't ask you to do that." Bakugou mumbled before looking up at me. I looked down on him. "I know but you looked like you were in pain." I stated as he looked away. I looked at Mina and the others. "Please treat Bakugou more kinder. He got his injures by fighting his way out of the clutches of the Villains." I stated as Bakugou grabbed me. 

Suddenly I was flipped over the couch before slammed into the floor. "Keep your damn mouth shut." Bakugou yelled before he stormed off. "What a jerk." Mina yelled as I got off the floor. "You okay Todoroki?" Denki questioned as I stood up. "Yeah, I'm fine." I stated. "Todoroki. What did you mean by clutches of the villains?" Mina asked. "Bakugou has been running all his life away from the league of villains. The villains kidnapped him not to long ago. They want him to become part of the league. I couldn't do anything to help him." I explained. 

"So he's here cause All Might can protect him?" Denki questioned. "I really don't know why he's here but I assume that's the reason." I stated as I looked at the door to see Midoriya. "Is that what happened to Kacchan?" Midoriya seemed broken. "Me and Kacchan wanted to grow up to be heros until one day when we were young, Bakugou disappeared. When he came back, he had a bad scar on his face. He changed that day. He didn't want to become a hero so he distance himself from everyone he knew." Midoriya started to cry. 

"I want to become a hero with him. I wanted to be by his side the whole time. I wish we could go back to those days when Bakugou smiled." He cried as Mina ran over to him. "It's alright Midoriya. Don't cry." She tried soothing him as I started walking. I walked through the halls before going in the elevator. 

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