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It's been a few years since Todoroki last saw Bakugou. Todoroki is now in UA and at the top of the class. 

Todoroki's POV

 I was in class. "What's wrong Todoroki?" All Might asked. "It's nothing." I said. "It doesn't seem like nothing." He said. "I'm fine." I said and got up. I walked out of the classroom and went to the cafeteria. It was lunch time. I sat down at an empty table. "Todoroki. What's wrong?" I heard Midoriya say. 

"Wow. Your just like All Might." I said. "Is it about your father?" He asked. "No." I sighed. "Midoriya. What's wrong with Todoroki?" I heard Uraraka say. "No. He wont tell me." He said. "I know what will cheer you up. Todoroki, come shopping with us. I looked at them. "Yeah you should come to the mall with us." Midoriya said. "I don't know. I..." Midoriya interrupted me. "It's official. Your coming to the mall with us." Uraraka said. 

Soon school ended. I started walking home. "Todoroki." I heard Midoriya yell from a distance. I turned around to see Midoriya and Uraraka running towards me. Midoriya used his quirk and got to me in seconds. "Where are you going? Your supposed to go to the mall with me and Uraraka." He said. "Oh well I was just going home." I said. 

Uraraka finally cot up to us. "Why do you do this to me?" Uraraka complained. "Let's go." Midoriya said. "No. It's alright. I don't want to crash your date." I said. "Just because we're dating doesn't mean wherever we go is a date." Uraraka said. "Yeah so let's go." Midoriya said and grabbed my left arm. Uraraka grabbed my right arm and they started dragging me.

We got to the mall. "Where do we want to go first?" Uraraka asked. "How about you chose Todoroki. " Midoriya said. "No. I'm good." I said. "Let's get something to eat." Uraraka said and grabbed Midoriya's hand. She started walking and dragged him along. We got to a restraint. 

"What would you like to eat?" Uraraka asked. "I really don't care." I  said. Uraraka looked at Midoriya unhappy. She lead over and whispered very loudly. "We're doing a bad job at cheering him up." She whispered. "I don't need cheering up. I'm fine." I said and got up. I started walking away. "Todoroki. Where are you going?" Midoriya yelled. "Home." I said and walked out of the building.

I heard an explosion go off and people screaming. I looked to see smoke further away. Midoriya and Uraraka ran out. "What's going on?" Uraraka asked. "I don't know." I said. As soon as the smoke clear up I saw the hero Quirky fighting a guy with black hair and scars under his eyes and chin. 

"Someone's hurt." Uraraka yelled. I saw a few feet away from the fight. There was someone in a black hoodie laying on the floor. I started running towards them. "Todoroki." Midoriya yelled. I ran to the person laying on the floor. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked and turned around. I couldn't believe who it was. "B-Bakugou." 

I looked down at his side and saw he was bleeding. "Shoto Todoroki." I heard someone yell. "Get Bakugou to the hospital. Quickly." The man yelled. I picked Bakugou up and started running towards the hospital. 

I got to the doors of the hospital and ran inside. "Hello. How can I help you?" The lady asked. "He needs help." I said. She looked up at me. "Todoroki." She said and then saw Bakugou. She pressed a button and two guy came out. They took Bakugou and started running. I followed. "Todoroki." She yelled. "Talk to my dad." I yelled. They took him into the surgery room. I went into the room I went in last time I watched Bakugou get surgery.

They pulled his shirt off. There was a stab wound there and looked pretty bad. They cleaned it up and then stitched him up. They took him into a hospital room after they were done. I followed them to his room. A nurse was tucking him in. She looked at me and smiled. She started walking out. "Watch him carefully." She said and left the room.

I walked over to the seat and sat down. His scar looked the same when we were younger. I heard the door open I looked to see two police officers. "Shoto Todoroki. What are you doing here." One asked. "Waiting for him to wake up. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well he's our only witness that knows what happened. No one knows who started the fight." The second one said.

"What was the fight about?" I asked. "Well Quirky says that him and the man are villains but they don't have a villain recorded. The man said Quirky attack them out of nowhere. We don't know who's story is true so we need his. He's the only one that has the full story." They said. 

I stood up. "Alright. I'll inform you when he wakes up." I said. "Thank you and have a good day." They said and left. I sat back down. I looked at Bakugou. He looked so peaceful and beautiful.  

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