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Todoroki's POV

It's been three days since Hero Day. "Come on. Get up." My dad yelled. I got off the floor. My mom just burned me a week ago, so I still have the bandages covering half my face. "You're a disappointment." My dad yelled and punched me in the stomach making me throw up. "Your too weak." He yelled. He was about to kick me when I make an ice wall around me. 

"Good. I'm glad I'm a disappointment. It makes you angry." I said. He used his quirk and burned the ice. "Watch your tone." He yelled. "Watch where your hitting. You just might kill me." I said. He got angry. He picked me up by the collar and chucked me against the wall. I got up and started waking away. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked. "Away from you. Before you kill me." I yelled. I ran to the door and opened it. It was raining but I didn't care. 

I slammed the door and started running. I ran through the streets. Some cars honked at me so I ran to the sidewalk. I kept running till I got tired. I walked down an alley. I stopped halfway and sat down against the wall.  I let the rain just fall on me. I brought my legs up to my chest and laid my head on them. I started looking around my feet when I saw a small blood drip. 

I stood up and looked around me to see if I was bleeding but I wasn't. I lend down and put my finger on the blood. It was dried. I stood back up and started walking more into the alley.  The blood spots here getting bigger. I got to a dead end. There was blood everywhere. On the floor and walls. I looked at a pile of garbage bags. They didn't have any on them. I started moving the bags when I saw a foot poking out. "Hey. Are you okay?" I asked and started pulling them off faster. 

I saw a boy that looked my age. He had ash blond hair. He had blood all over his face. He was still breathing so that was good. "Hey." I yelled and poked him. "Wake up." I yelled but he didn't do anything. "I got to get him to a hospital." I said. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. I wrapped his arms around my neck and started dragging him. 

I dragged him to the closes hospital I knew. When I got there I went to the front desk. "How may I help you." The lady said. She wasn't even paying attention. She was just typing on her computer. "Can you help him?" I asked. She finally looked at me. "Oh, God." She said and clicked a button. Two guys came out of the doors with one of those rolling beds. They took the boy and laid him on the bed. 

They started running towards the door. I started running with them. "Sir. Your not allowed to go back there." She said. "Why not?" I asked. "Well, your no." She said. "I'm Shoto Todoroki. If there is a problem talk to my dad." I said and ran through the doors. "Of course." She said. I followed them until they got to a surgical room where someone stopped me. "Sorry. You can't go in there. If you want to watch then come with me." He said. 

I followed him into a room that was above the other room with glass to see into the room. The guy pulled up a chair. "Here. Take a seat." He said. I sat down in the chair. He looked at the boy. "Did you find him like that?" The guy asked. "Yes." I replied. "Where did you find him?" He asked. "In an alley. He was covered by bags. The only reason I found him was that I ran away and I saw a blood spot." I said. 

"Well good thing. We don't know how long he could have survived in that weather." He said. "Who are you?" I asked. "Dabi. My name's Dabi." He said. "Well, Dabi. You seem familiar." I said. (Dabi doesn't have the scars. Only the black hair. Just to be clear I wrot this part before I found out Dabi was Toya.) "Is that right?" He said and looked back at the boy. "So what do you do here?" I asked. "Nothing that important. Just clean." He lied. He stood up. "Well, see ya." He said and left.

I waited hours for them to finish but they finished. They transferred into a hospital bedroom. I walked into his room. There were two doctors in the room. "What are you doing here?" A doctor asked me. The other doctor looked at me. "Well isn't it young Todoroki? What are you doing here?" He asked too.

"I'm here to watch him. I did bring him here. He's my responsibility." I said. "Oh well you don't need to concern yourself with him." The first doctor said. "How is he?" I asked. "He's scarily made it. If you hadn't of fund him when you did he wouldn't have made it." The second doctor said.  "Will he live?" I asked. ""We don't know. His injury's are big. If he starts bleeding again without it healing then we might lose him." He said.

I walked over to the seats and sat down. "Then I'm going to be watching him for a long time." I said. "Uh, but don't you want to go home." The first doctor said. "No. I don't." I said. "We should go." The second doctor said and pushed the first doctor out. "Goodbye." He said before leaving. I stared at the boy. He had bandages covering his left eye too, but his scar is probably more worse than mine.

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