Is knowledge power?

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The days following Harry's trial were great, I got to spend more time with my father and I made up with Ginny. Sirius and I talked about Rhine, about his family, well my family. We talked about everything, except what I really wanted to talk about.

"You know, Rhine and I were the last people anyone would have expected to be a couple, well except Lily and James." He told me one day.

"Really? Why not?" I asked him curiously.

He laughed, "Because she had a major crush on my best friend, that's why. She couldn't get enough of James, ever since we were in third year and she was in fourth. She would follow him around with that friend of hers, Bertha and James always blamed her for ruining his chances with Lily so as a result, Rhine and Lily never really got along. So James asked me to distract her, I'm not boasting or anything but the girls just couldn't resist me back then. Rhine was a tough one though. A real challenge." He said looking lost in memory lane. Every time I always gave myself an excuse not to ask him why Voldemort had wanted to recruit Rhine, right now it was to let him revel in his memories.

The days to go back to school were slowly thinning and I needed to know the truth so one day I decided to ask him. 

"I had hoped that my little brother would be more like me than the rest of the Black family but he just got sucked in by Voldemort.'' said my father sounding disappointed.

"Speaking of Voldemort, dad, can you tell me why he wanted Rhine so much?" I asked cautiously.

He froze. "Why would you ask me that?" he asked.

"Because Dumbledore said that it's the same reason that he wants me." I said.

"He won't get to you! Not as long as I live. Don't ask me this again." He snapped. No matter how hard I tried to get him to tell me, he wouldn't budge.

"I don't understand, why doesn't he just tell me? I'm not a kid!" I pouted at Ginny and Hermione throwing myself on Ginny's bed.

"He's only protecting you Miley, hey look, the Hogwarts owls are here." said Hermione opening the window to three owls. I was just poring through my list when Hermione let out a scream of delight.

"Let me guess, you made prefect, big surprise!" I said with an eye roll.

"Oh wow that's great Hermione" said Ginny giving her a hug.

"I didn't expect this, not one bit!" she said.

"You better go and congratulate your fellow prefect then." I said and she sped out of the room.

That night Mrs. Weasley made Ron and Hermione a congratulations party. I sat between Harry and uncle Remus. Harry seemed upset that he had not made prefect.

"I was never a prefect, my head of house said that I lacked necessary qualities." said my cousin Dora.

"Like what?" asked Ginny.

"The ability to behave myself." She said and we all laughed.

"What about you daddy?" I asked and he laughed.

"No one would have made me a prefect; I spent too much time in detention with James. Remus was the good boy, he got the badge." said Sirius.

"Then it's a good thing I didn't break the family trend of misbehavior and lack of leadership." I said making both my dad and Dora to laugh.

Uncle Remus shook his head, "I think Dumbledore hoped I could exercise control over  my best friends. Needless to say, I failed." He said. I turned to Harry and whispered,

"See your dad wasn't a prefect either, so don't let it bother you so much, loosen up." I said and he smiled. I spent the rest of the party with Fred and George planning how we would use the venomous tentacula seeds from Mundungus to make Skiving Snackboxes. We would have so much fun this year.

I was almost asleep in my room when my dad came in.

"You were right, you deserve to know why he wanted her." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"You know, Molly just failed to fight off a Boggart. It was dead bodies, you and Harry were dead down there and I realized that I can't always protect you from the truth. Voldemort wanted Rhine to use her powers for him. She could see the future, what he was going to do, who he would kill, if he wanted to do something big and evil, he wanted her to tell him if he would succeed. Basically to be his personal Seer." He said. I was shocked. 

Maybe knowledge is not power after all.  

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now