Detention and Dolores

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Professor Trelawney was very upset that day because apparently Umbridge had put her on probation. Parvati, Lavender and I tried to give her some comfort but she was angrier than I had ever seen her. All through that day I had an uneasy feeling about my dad but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. I hoped he was safe not doing anything dangerous. That night, because of my detention with Snape, I had to miss a night of selling the brand new products that I had helped Fred and George to make. The moment I arrived at the Storage Unit, Snape was already there.

"You are late Miss Black." He said unlocking the door. "I need you to organize everything here in alphabetic order and label it. I will lock you inside and after two hours, I will come and let you out to make sure that you steal nothing." He said.

"You can't do that, I'm claustrophobic." I told him.

"Claustrophobic?" he asked.

"Yes, it is a mental condition that I have, so you cannot lock me inside this room." I said.

"Indeed?" he said unconvinced, "Alright, I will leave the door open but if you try to leave or get anything out, you will trigger the alarm. Enjoy your evening." He said gliding away.

Well, this was horrible. Not only would I be unable to get my ingredients for the Draught of Living Death, but I would not be able to take so many of these other rare incredible Potion ingredients either. Sighing, I got to work. I started with the As and by the time that Snape came back, I was organizing the Ds. The room was a true Potion maker's haven. There were even a few cauldrons, one that was very old and one that was very beautiful because it was made of gold. I instantly fell in love with it, I knew that I could never afford it myself but still it was the strongest cauldron in the world. Two hours later when Snape came back to dismiss me, my uneasiness about Sirius was so strong that I even had to ask Snape,

"Professor, is my dad okay?" He looked at me as if I was mad. "Well its just that my intuition is making me feel uneasy about him, I feel like he could be in danger." I clarified.

"I assure you Miss Black, your father is in no more danger than yourself, seeing as he is cooped up inside the house while the rest of us are out there risking our lives." He said snidely. Although I knew he was being mean, I was reassured. After Snape checked that I had stolen nothing, he let me go. It was getting late when I got to the Gryffindor common room, so imagine my surprise when I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione still in there.

"Oh Miley, you are finally here. Come on we are waiting for Sirius." said Harry when I reached them.

"Why are you waiting for him?" I asked puzzled.

"He wrote to Harry that he was going to be in the fire tonight." said Hermione.

So he told Harry but not me? Well that was very enlightening. Then my intuition suddenly kicked in. "Sirius can't come here its not safe. That is what's been bugging me all day about him." I exclaimed.

"There is nothing we can do, we think Hedwig was intercepted but we couldn't tell Sirius not to come without that being intercepted too."

Worry was eating away at me when Ron said, "Sirius."There he was, Sirius's untidy dark head was sitting in the fire again.

"Hi," he said, grinning.

"Hi," chorused Harry, Ron, and Hermione, all three kneeling down upon the hearthrug. Crookshanks purred loudly and approached the fire, trying, despite the heat, to put his face close to Sirius's.

"What do you think you are doing? You can't be here. It is too dangerous right now." I said scowling.

"You worry too much Cammy, I'm in no danger. How're things?" said Sirius.

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