Regrets and mistakes

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"Oh my poor dear Rhine. Do you think that growing up without a father damaged her? We had always wanted a girl..." 

I had heard this story a thousand times from Grandma so naturally I tuned her out. I thought about the silence from my world. Ginny's letters were always the same. 'I really wish to see you soon so that we could share what is going on.' 'Try not to get into trouble we are all looking out for you.' 'Your dad is worried about you. Why don't you reply his letters? He should not have to worry about you with everything that is going on.' I didn't even read my father's letters at all or even the countless ones from Draco.

"Do you think so too dear?" Grandma's voice snapped me back to the present.

"Um yeah?" I said unsure what I was even agreeing to.

"Ah Eleanor won't tell me what happened either but something changed my Rhine. She was such a sweet girl but overnight she just changed."

"Why do you all act like Rhine was some kind of bad person? How can you do that to her memory?" I snapped standing up. 

I had had enough of this. No one cared about anyone else's feelings. All they cared about was their stupid little Muggle lives. They lived in a different world than mine and I could no longer pretend to fit in with them. I ran up to my room and started packing my stuff into my trunk. I did not care whether they wanted me or not, but I was going to the Burrow. I crept out of the house stealthily and waved my wand for the knight bus. I did not want to talk to anyone and I simply handed Stan Shunpike the gold and told him to take me to the Burrow. I went to sit in the back isolated from everyone else to avoid a conversation. They dropped me off at the Burrow and I instantly knew that something wasn't right. The house was deserted and my first thought was to panic as they might have been kidnapped. But as I went around the empty house I saw no sign of a struggle which could only mean one thing. They had left of their own free will.

Ginny had not even told me. So much for best friends. I felt betrayed and angry. Everyone was lying to me, even her. A strong wave of anger engulfed me and I accidentally connected to the earth. I caused a strong wind to blow around the place and trees swayed violently and I did not even notice the other presence until it spoke.

"Easy kid, you could kill someone." said a male voice.

I spun around quickly but I could not reach my wand fast enough. Two men stood before me. One a stranger and the other my aunt Narcissa's husband: Lucius Malfoy.

"You are to come with us, Miss Black. The Dark Lord wants to see you." said Mr Malfoy.

"No thanks. If you'd excuse me gentlemen. I have to leave now." I said.

"You misunderstood me, Miss Black. You have no choice." he said and I sneered.

"You can tell the Dark Lord to go to hell." I said.

"Enough of this Lucius. Let's just take her by force." said the other man.

"Not going to happen." I said and I disapparated on the spot. I didn't even think about it. It came naturally as if I had done it a thousand times before. It still felt uncomfortable though and I threw up as soon as I reached my destination which was a totally unfamiliar place. The name of the street was Private Drive and I didn't even know how I got here. I started walking aimlessly around the houses until I heard a familiar voice, a voice that I liked so much, saying from behind one of the houses, "Miley? What are you doing here?" asked Harry.

I threw myself into his arms and started sobbing.

"D-Death Eaters." but Harry only heard the words Death Eaters and whipped out his wand. He pushed me behind him as he surveyed the place. He was trying to protect me.

"Come on inside. My uncle and aunt are out for some dinner thing." he said.

I followed him into a typical neat Muggle house. Everything was in total order and nothing was out of place.

"What wouldn't I give for my life to be like that." I said sadly.

"Tell me what happened." said Harry and I did.

"I just wanted to escape from them and I found myself here." I said quietly but I was trembling. Voldemort had sent his minions to look for me.

"It's okay you are safe now. So there's no one at the Burrow?" he said.

"No. And they don't bother to tell us that they moved." I said bitterly still crying.

He put his arm around me and whispered, "It's okay. You're okay. You are here with me."

I raised my eyes up to his. "That's one thing I like about you. Your ability to make me feel safe and protected." I said.

"Miley-" he said but it was like someone else was in control of my body.

"I like a lot of things about you Harry." I said.


"I really like you Harry. Don't you like me?" I said.

He didn't answer.

"Yes or no?" I asked.

He hesitated. "Yes."

"Then say it." I whispered.

He stared at me for a second and stood up.

"You are tired. Sleep on my bed. I'll take the sofa." he walked away.

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now