Using me

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I was quite happy to be back at Hogwarts, until things started going wrong. First Umbridge called me into her office looking very unhappy.

"Hello Miss Black. Take a seat and close the door behind you." she said and I did as I was told. "You have given me nothing. Nothing at all to work with, perhaps you are not after all, the right person to spy on Harry Potter." she said.

"What? No. I'm just trying to get him to trust me." I lied.

"He already trusts you! But now I don't." said Umbridge.

"I will give you something by the end of the week, I promise." I said. Rhine was always good at this lying stuff but she wasn't being very helpful.

"Fine. One week. If you give me nothing, I'll have to take something away from you." Umbrigde told me with that falsely sweet smile of hers.

I was walking back to the Gryffindor common room when something else happened. The Dark mark burned. It had happened plenty of times before but I had always been able to block it with both my soul magic and Rhine's soul magic

"A little help here?" I asked Rhine because I was struggling as my soul magic alone had never been enough to repel Voldemort. I needed Rhine because her soul magic was always so much stronger than mine. "Rhine?" I asked feeling weaker. I felt her draw her soul magic but not to help me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her in panic.

" are having a vision." she said.

"No, I'm not. None of my visions are like this. You are trying to overpower me." I said in shock. I couldn't fight back because I was trying to resist Voldemort's compulsion.

"I'm sorry Miley. I have to do this." said Rhine taking a vial of some potion.  Then I was out.

"Miley! Miley! Wake up." I opened my eyes, Ginny stood there looking down at me.

"What are you doing? Are you okay? What happened to you?" Ginny asked looking scared. I felt really tired and looking around at my surroundings, I noticed that I was lying on the girls bathroom. I was wet and covered in mud.

"I don't know. I..I don't remember." I said.

Ginny looked scared. "What is the last thing that you remember?"

"I was on the corridor after meeting with Umbridge. Then...then Rhine...she overpowered me. That's why she has been so quiet, she was saving up her soul magic to use me for something." I said outraged.

"Miley that means that means you have been out for like eight hours. No one has seen you in all that time, even Zabini couldn't find you with that blood-covenant bond thing, he said that you were not here, not at Hogwarts." she said.

I stood up. "RHINE!" I screamed on the inside. She did not answer. "RHINE!" I screamed this time out loud, still she did not answer. I screamed.


When Ginny led me down to breakfast that morning, I still felt blank. I had no memory of what had happened the previous day.

"Ginny, I'm scared. I have a feeling something horrible has happened." I said.

"You'll be fine. The memories will come to you eventually." she said.

"No, I still have no memory of what happened the last time that Rhine took over my body." I said sitting down next to Hermione. 

When Hermione's Daily Prophet arrived she smoothed it out, gazed for a moment at the front page, and then gave a yelp that caused everyone in the vicinity to stare at her. 

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now