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We sat side by side, the wind blowing my hair violently, and his eyes looking over head.

"Camilla." he said quietly, turning to face me.

"Can we please not talk, I feel like I'm going to yell." I replied refusing to look at him.

"We have to talk about this, there are too many things that we've left untouched."

"What do you expect me to say, Blaise? You made me betray my friends, for absolutely no reason!" I said the fury creeping up on me.

"Technically, that was Draco's fault. Although, of course I influenced him in doing it, so I guess it is my fault." he said.

"Is this a joke to you? You were following me, spying on me. Do you think that it's okay to do that to anyone? Let alone your own girlfriend? I don't know how you live with yourself!" I screamed.

"That's funny coming from someone who only became my girlfriend to keep an eye on the Slytherins." he retorted. I frowned.

"How did you know about that?" I asked him.

"I've known since the moment you said you wanted us to get back together. Remember I asked you if I could trust you? Well, you never gave me a straight answer, you said something vague about all relationships needing trust." He said.

"Well...that doesn't give you the right to invade my personal space." I spat.

"It's funny how you keep turning this around and making it seem like you had no part in anything. You're just as twisted as I am." he told me matter of factly.

"So, if you were working for Umbridge all this time, did you mean any of the things you said to me? The feelings that you claimed to have, were they even real Blaise?" I shouted at him. Instead of affirming like I was sure he would do, Blaise hesitated. In that moment, I felt shattered. "Oh, my goodness," I started quietly, my voice shaking.

"No, it's not that I don't like you Camills, I do, I really do, but I'm trapped. Okay, I'm trapped, you trapped me with this blood covenant. I didn't know what I was getting into, I feel like it is controlling me!" he blurted out.

"I...I don't understand." I said honestly. He stood up and started pacing.

"With regards to you, it makes me do whatever is best for you, it tells me what I should say, what you want to hear. I want to take away any pain from you. I can't inflict pain on you directly-that's why I had to use Draco-I have to help at all costs. It makes me to put you first before anything else. I don't know if what I say to you is me or the blood covenant talking. Whenever you're in pain, when I take it away, I'm inflicting it on myself. I have limited control over my actions towards you! It is driving me crazy okay!" He said quickly, running his hands over his hair and his face.

I hadn't known that it was this bad for him. "I'm so sorry Blaise, but you know I can't break it. I will try to read up on-" I started.

"Don't bother, I have searched every piece of literature that I could find about blood covenants, and the only way to break it, is if I die for you. Then in death, I will be free, unbound from you." he said bitterly.

I started crying, "I'm really sorry, Blaise. I promise you that I will do whatever it takes for me to lessen the burden from you." He crouched down in front of me. He reached out and wiped my tears with his fingers, I shivered slightly, he was exuding so much comfort right now.

Blaise stood up again and faced away from me. "Don't cry, please, you'll make this harder for me." he turned back to me again, "I can't do this anymore." he said.

"D-do what?"

"This, us. I can't deal with this right now. I'm sorry Camilla, but I feel like this is the end for us." he said. Shaking, I stood up.

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now