Dumbledore's Army

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I decided not to tell anyone, not even Blaise about what had happened with Rhine. Ginny did not count as anyone, obviously I had to tell her. Growing up among boys had made my best friend strong, which was a good thing because it meant that she was there to pick up all the pieces that I left on the floor when I broke down. I cried for what felt like hours and she was there, holding me through it. She was good at this because she understood how it felt to be possessed as it had happened to her in her first year.

"I don't understand Gin, why would a mother do that? Your mum could never do something like that to you." I asked her when I finally calmed down.

"Your mother was young, Miley, she lived in a different time than us, but yes what she did was wrong. Look I will help you to reverse this curse, whatever it is that she placed on you alright?" she said.

"I appreciate it but I think Blaise will be more helpful with this kind of research stuff. Just knowing you are here, being able to count on you is enough for me." I said giving her a warm hug. "Right now I just need to get back to normal and act like nothing is wrong." I said. Ginny understood.

"Oh Harry found somewhere for us to practice the Defence thing, starting tonight at eight. You should probably talk to him though, all I know is that we are going to the seventh floor." She said.

Sure enough, that evening after supper I found him, Ron and Hermione in the common room. "Hey where exactly are we doing the Defence thing?" I asked.

"How could you forget? I told you this morning, it's the Room of Requirement and you said you knew it." frowned Harry.

"Oh right, I have a lot on my mind." Under my breath, I cursed Rhine. "What is up with you Hermione?" I asked noticing how absent minded she looked.

"I suppose we're doing the right thing . . . I think . . . aren't we?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other.

"Well, that clears that up," said Ron. "It would've been really annoying if you hadn't explained yourself properly."

Hermione looked at him as though she had only just realized he was there.

"I was just wondering," she said, her voice stronger now, "whether we're doing the right thing, starting this Defense Against the Dark Arts group."

"What!"Harry, Ron and I said together.

"Hermione, it was your idea in the first place!" said Ron indignantly.

"I know," said Hermione, twisting her fingers together. "But ever since we spoke to Snuffles . . ."

"But he's all for it!" said Harry.

"Yes," said Hermione, staring at the window again. "Yes, that's what made me think maybe it wasn't a good idea after all. . . ."

"Let's get this straight," said Harry angrily, "Sirius agrees with us, so you don't think we should do it anymore?"

Hermione looked tense and rather miserable. Now staring at anyone but me, she said, "Do you honestly trust his judgment?"

"Yes, I do!" said Harry at once. "He's always given us great advice!"

"I have to agree with Hermione on this one Harry honestly." I said quietly.

Although I agreed with her, Hermione seemed to choose her words very carefully in order to avoid being offensive. " Harry, you don't think he has become . . . sort of . . . reckless . . . since he's been cooped up in Grimmauld Place? You don't think he's . . . kind of . . . living through us?"

"What d'you mean, 'living through us'?" Harry retorted.

"I mean . . . well, I think he'd love to be forming secret defense societies right under the nose of someone from the Ministry. . . . I think he's really frustrated at how little he can do where he is . . . so I think he's keen to kind of . . . egg us on."

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