Left out

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The events of the previous night flooded my mind when I woke up the following morning. I gathered up what little dignity I had left and crept out of the house. I flagged for the Knight Bus again and it came and picked me up.

The whole family was looking worried and scared when I arrived home.

"Miley! Where have you been? We have been so worried!" said Mrs Clearwater attempting to hug me, but I was angry, hurt and disappointed by the previous night's misadventures that I shook her off.

"Who cares." I said racing up the stairs to my room. No one followed me.

 I suddenly felt like a lonely little spoiled child. I wasn't like that. My uncle had raised me with nothing but his bare hands and as a result I had learned to fend for myself and to make do with whatever I had. I did not like this new person that I had become. The Clearwaters had taken me in and had been nothing but good to me, yet I spent every second making them regret it. I also did not like the way I had myself available to Harry as if I was some desperate girl. Needless to say, I was pretty ashamed of my behaviour. I hated the fact that I felt like there was some other person making me do these things and it drove me nuts. So I vowed to do just one more bad thing before I started behaving like a good girl. I didn't tell anyone else that I had a vision of Harry being attacked by dementors. I had to nurse my wounded pride. So the days wore on. Every single day I felt even more cut off from my world. I spent my days helping Lou with his problems and being a good guest to Mrs Clearwater, I listened to Ari whining about useless things, hell, I even paid attention to Grandma's lamentations about her daughter. I took out my frustrations the only way I knew how. I took out Rhine's book on soul magic and practised as much as I could. It helped me not to feel like a burden to everyone. I began to feel less and less left out. Soul magic became my only solace. I held on to it with all I had yet no one but Lou knew that I was still practising it. I was beginning to think that everyone had forgotten about me until one day. I was brooding in my room, feeding Orion some owl treats when Ari badged into my room.

"There's someone here for you." she panted out.

"Is it uncle Remus?" I asked hopefully.

"No. Just come okay." she said dragging me downstairs. I wasn't prepared for the person who was talking to Mrs Clearwater.

My father.

"Dad?" I whispered. He turned and in that moment I forgot that I was angry with him and I just threw myself into his arms.

"I missed you." I said.

"Really? Because you haven't replied any of my letters." he said. I stepped back and looked at him. He looked better and cleaner than when I last saw him. He even looked more well fed than before. I shrugged.

"I didn't read them." I said. Then remembering that he was a wanted criminal, I gasped.

"Dad what are you doing here? You are a wanted man both among Muggles and wizards! You could get caught!" I said. He didn't even blink.

"For you it would be worth it, Cam. Pack your things, we're taking you home. I'll just have a word with your aunt now." he said. I did not need telling twice. I ran up to my room and put all my stuff into my room. I packed up everything excitedly. 

"So that's your dad then?" asked Louis voice from my door.

"Yeah that's him." I said smiling.

"He doesn't look like a serial killer." he said returning my smile.

"Trust me, he did once." I told him.

"Hmm, you look a lot like him. Miley. I know you have a lot going on in that world but...I want you to take care of yourself okay?" said Lou sincerely.

"You know I do." I said giving him a hug. I went to say goodbye to my grandmother and she said to me,

"I hope to see you again child. I hope you do not follow her footsteps." Whatever that means.

Ari cried when she hugged me. "I'll miss you so much." she said. When I got to the kitchen my dad and Mrs Clearwater stood up. 

"Thank you for taking care of our daughter." said Sirius.

"She'd have done the same for me." she said smiling. "Now you take care of yourself sweetheart okay?" she said holding me close. We found Mad Eye Moody waiting outside with a car.

"We are taking a car?" I exclaimed.

"Best to act like Muggles. No one will hunt us down." said Moody as Sirius turned into a dog again.

"So, how have you been Professor Moody? Any side effects yet?" I asked.

"Shut up kid, you don't know how edgy nine months in a trunk can make you." he growled.

"Hmm I can imagine." I said pleasantly. "So, where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." said Moody. After quite a long drive, Moody handed me a piece of paper and told me we had arrived. We stood between two houses at Grimmauld Place. Number 13 and 11. The piece of paper was written, "The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number 12 Grimmauld Place."

I looked again and to my surprise, bit by bit a house was appearing between number 11 and 13. Well this would be interesting.

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now