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All my life I had believed that the world was in black and white. If someone was not good, they were bad. Well, that was until I became a Seer.It was frustrating not seeing things as they were, trying to understand what I was seeing was scary. But I had never been in a situation like this before. My mother would never use me like this. She had been right, people were accusing her of things that she would never do.

"Tell me what's wrong now. Please, your agitation is hurting me.Talk to me, Milla...Come on let me help you. I have to. CAMILLA! You are driving me crazy." I could hear Blaise talking but he felt so far away. He was actually helping me to walk but I did not care.

"Fine if you won't talk to me, I will find someone who you will talk to." said Blaise leaving me.

I just couldn't get why Trelawney would accuse my mother of such a horrible thing, which could have landed her in prison. She wouldn't be that stupid. Not to mention the fact that the binding of two people's souls required a soul. That is, someone had to die. Rhine would never kill anyone. Besides all that my mother would not have the Dark Mark, she wasn't a Death Eater but a member of the Order.

"Miley, can you hear me? It's like she's somewhere else. What happened?" said a familiar voice, Ginny.

"I told you Weaslette; she had a psychic dream and was freaked out so I took her to the only person who understands this stuff. She started screaming and I had to get her out of there. She hasn't said a word since then." said Blaise's voice.

"Why didn't you take her to her best friend, me?" Ginny fired.

"What you should be asking yourself is why she she came to me and not you." Blaise retorted.

"She didn't do it." I said out loud.

"Miley, are you okay? What happened? What did Trelawney say?" asked Ginny in concern. I told them what Trelawney had said.

"Your mum? But she can't have been working for You-Know-Who, Dumbledore would have figured it out right?" asked Ginny

"Yeah, my dad would have noticed if she had the dark mark." I heaved a sigh of relief.

"What colour were your mother's hair and eyes?" asked Blaise looking troubled.

"Blonde and blue, why?" I said

"Milla, your eyes turn blue every time that your powers overcome you and when you use soul magic, your hair glows blonde. Not only that, but you saw her memories, for the second time, I might add. " said Blaise.

"Coincidence. Come on Ginny, I need to find a way to talk to Sirius. See you later Blaise." I said pulling Ginny away.

I spent all day waiting for my dad to reply my letter but nothing happened. I decided to distract myself by reading Rhine's book on soul magic in the common room where Harry and Ron were trying to work on their homework. Out of the blue, Harry crouched in front of the fire.

"Hi Sirius." He said. I jumped and went to crouch by him.

There in the middle of the dancing flames sat Sirius's head, long dark hair falling around his grinning face.

"I was starting to think you'd go to bed before everyone else had disappeared," he said. "I've been checking every hour."

"You've been popping into the fire every hour?" Harry said, half laughing.

"Just for a few seconds to check if the coast was clear yet."

"But what if you'd been seen?" said Hermione anxiously.

"Well, I think a girl — first year by the look of her — might've got a glimpse of me earlier, but don't worry," Sirius said hastily, as I clapped a hand to my mouth. "I was gone the moment she looked back at me and I'll bet she just thought I was an oddly shaped log or something."

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now