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The next few days were full of nothing but utter bliss. According to Professor Snape, I would not be feeling the effects of my 'curse' for a short while because in order to overtake my body, she had expended her supply of soul magic, which was what kept her alive inside me. As a result, while Rhine was hibernating and refueling her soul magic, I would have my body to myself. It was the feeling in the world to know that for the first time in seven years, everything I did was entirely my own decision. Professor Dumbledore had also told me that this was the time for me to look for and notice the things that were different in me without her influencing my mind. According to Dumbledore, having her spirit in me meant that she influenced a lot of my decisions, actions, thoughts and in rare cases, feelings. I was itching to ask him about the memory that I had of Rhine and Snape planning to put him under the Draught of Living Death but I decided against it.

I discovered over the next few days that I actually loved helping out Harry with the D. A and it was something that I was really passionate about. I also decided that I would actually go on the date that Rhine posing as me had arranged with Blaise. Why did I not just cancel it? I have no idea, but Ginny had a theory.

"It is obvious why you won't cancel the date, you are not over Blaise yet." She told me.

"That's not true, I wouldn't have said yes to the date myself, trust me." I told her truthfully.

"You would really have said no?" she asked skeptically.

"Of course not. I would have made sure that I changed the subject or left before he even asked me. Avoidance is the best solution." I said smiling. Ginny shook her head.

"I have to go meet up with Michael. Bye." She said.

"Hmm, when you go 'meet up' with Michael, do you guys even talk? I mean seriously, what do you know about the guy? Relationships are not always about the physical you know." I told her.

"Oh my goodness Miley, what is this? Michael and I like our relationship the way it is. Geez." She said moving out of the door so fast that I laughed. This new me apparently loved laughing, smiling, giggling and just being downright happy.

I found Harry, Ron and Hermione hanging out by the fire in the Gryffindor common room.

"Harry," I screamed excitedly, turning many heads in my direction, "I have been looking all over for you! I have a huge proposal for you." I said kneeling down on the cushion beside his chair. Seeing the weird looks on everyone's faces, I amended, "Not that kind of proposal! Honestly people I'm still 14 years old." After everyone had gone back to minding their own business, I turned back to Harry, "My proposal is, will you please let me be your T.A?" I asked.

"T.A? He asked obviously flustered because I was literally shaking him in my excitement.

"His Teaching Assistant?" asked Hermione in interest.

"Yeah. I know I have helped you out the past couple of times because you asked me to. I actually enjoyed it and I would like you to make it permanent." I said.

"That's not a bad idea Harry, she is actually pretty good with the younger students and you do need assistance if you want the meetings to end on time." said Ron.

"I don't know, I mean shouldn't people vote on this, Hermione?" he asked.

"Oh come on. You are the leader of the group. This could be something that you do to, you know, make your mark as president." I told him.

"Well, some of the members may not like it, no offense Miley but some people may not think you are good enough for the job." said Hermione.

"Do you honestly think that there is anyone better than me? I don't. I mean sure there are plenty of smart people there but being smart and actually understanding something. I mean there's you Hermione, you are pretty good at theory and, no offence, simply fair at practical Defense Against the Dark Arts. I, on the other hand am not bad at theory but excellent in practical DADA." I countered pleasantly. Huh, I guess humility and modesty were not qualities that me and my mother had.

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now